The most popular timesheet app for employees

Timesheet software used by millions. Enter hours in an online timesheet app, track attendance, and calculate work hours and pay across teams and projects.

4.7 average rating
4.8 (9,073 reviews)

Number of people that started tracking time with Clockify in the last 7 days

Over 260,000 companies use Clockify to track time and improve productivity
Employee timesheet app - Clockify screenshot
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Timesheet Reporting

Timesheet report screenshot in Clockify

How to fill out online timesheet data

Step 1

Create account

Sign up

Step 2

Set up projects/tasks

Create a list of pre-determined activities so your employees have a drop-down of pre-loaded tasks to choose from.

When you click on the search button or start typing, the list of activities should pop out for your employees — this saves time and helps out if you're often working on the same projects.

Set up projects for employees to log time for
Step 3

Invite employees

Invite any number of people you want — no limits

Step 4

Employees fill their timesheets

Your employees can enter how much they've worked online via desktop or a mobile app (Android & iOS), or they can input it through the web browser and a handy browser extension.

timesheet software screenshot Mobile timesheet app screenshot for iOS and Android
Step 5

Check employee hours in reports

Weekly reports can help you see who logged how much time each day in the week. You can also see:

  • Who worked overtime
  • Who took some time off
  • Who's going away on a vacation

Just drill down into the data using filters and export time and attendance in PDF, CSV, and Excel.

Weekly report shows you how much everyone in your team worked and their timesheet
Step 6

Approve timesheets

  • Automatic reminders: set up targets so employees get automatic reminders to log missing time
  • Lock timesheets: approve time by locking timesheets at the end of the week/month
  • Review timesheets: open and update other people's timesheets
  • Approve timesheet: submit and officially approve timesheets before billing and payroll
  • Submit and approve timesheets
Step 7

Export reports

You can run an online report and break down time tracking data however you need.

When the time comes, export the report as: PDF, CSV, Excel.

Download report samples: PDFCSVExcel

PDF timesheet exports

Clockify Pricing

Upgrade your business with Clockify's paid plans.

Upgrade to get a 30-minute tailored onboarding session!

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$ 3.99 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $4.99 if billed monthly)


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Timesheeting & Billing

$ 5 .49 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $6.99 if billed monthly)


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Profit & Productivity

$ 7 .99 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $9.99 if billed monthly)


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Control & Security

$ 11 .99 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $14.99 if billed monthly)


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Average 4.7/5 rating on Capterra

4.8 (9,073 reviews)