The Most Popular

Save hours every week with our . Create shifts, schedule employees, manage time off,
track time, and run reports.

4.7 average rating
4.7 (4,492 reviews)

Number of people that started tracking time with Clockify in the last 7 days

Over 260,000 companies use Clockify to track time and improve productivity
Employee Scheduling Software - Clockify screenshot
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Scheduling Features

Schedule activities

Plan all your projects, shifts, and jobs on a timeline.

Schedule your activities

Plan capacity

See who on your team is available and can take on more work.

Schedule your team's time

Track time

Employees can see their assigned hours and track time on them (via web, mobile, or desktop app).

Scheduling time tracker screenshot

Manage time off

Allow employees to request leaves and track their balance.

Timekeeping software time off screenshot

Check attendance

See daily work hours, breaks, overtime, and time off in one report.

Timekeeping software attendance report screenshot

Analyze data

Break down tracked vs scheduled data, and export it for payroll.

Timekeeping software reports screenshot

How does employee scheduling work?

Step 1

Create an account

Sign up

Step 2

Set up projects

Create projects and tasks your team is going to work on.

Set up projects and team for project and employee scheduling
Step 3

Add team members

Invite your whole team so you can plan their schedule.

Invite employees
Step 4

Create assignments

Define who needs to work on what and when, and add a note with more details.

Create assignment
Step 5

Publish assignments

Make schedule public so team members know what they need to work on and when.

Publish assignment
Step 6

Manage capacity

  • Visualize assignments on a timeline
  • See who has too many hours assigned
  • See who can take on more work
Schedule projects and shifts
Step 7

Track time

Your employees can see their assignments and track time on them via an app or via a shared kiosk station.

Time tracking apps
Step 8

Sync calendars

Sync Outlook or Google Calendar with Clockify, so your employees can see the tracked time, events, or published assignments, and track time on them directly from the Calendar.

Mobile scheduling - seeing all assignments in a calendar
Step 9

Manage time off

Request or approve employee time off, and manage company policies in one place.

Time off feature in Clockify (screenshot)
Step 10

See who works on what

Check the Dashboard tab to see who’s currently clocked in and who works on which task.

Dashboard feature in Clockify (screenshot)
Step 11

Attendance report

Track daily employee arrival and departure times, breaks, overtime, and time off.

Attendance report
Step 12

Assignments report

Assign work and compare scheduled vs actual work hours across projects, users, and dates.

Assignments report

Affordable Scheduling + Tracking

Upgrade your business with Clockify's paid plan.

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$ 3.99 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $4.99 if billed monthly)


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Timesheeting & Billing

$ 5 .49 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $6.99 if billed monthly)


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Profit & Productivity

$ 7 .99 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $9.99 if billed monthly)


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Control & Security

$ 11 .99 USD
per seat/month billed annually
(or $14.99 if billed monthly)


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Average 4.7/5 rating on Capterra

4.7 (4,492 reviews)