Requisitos de aviso de separación laboral por estado: Guía para 2025

¿Es necesario proporcionar un aviso de separación laboral a los empleados en los Estados Unidos? 

What are federal and state separation notice requirements? 

If you’re struggling to answer these questions, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. As a US employer, you must be familiar with every relevant labor regulation in the country, including separation notice rules.

Entonces, en esa guía exploramos:

  • Regulaciones de aviso de separación laboral de Estados Unidos,
  • Separation notice requirements by state for 2025, and
  • Los formularios de aviso de separación laboral que los empleadores deben proporcionar a todos los empleados despedidos.

*Note: The information regarding separation notice requirements laws and regulations by state has been checked and updated for 2025.

Separation notice requirements by state guide - cover
  • The separation notice is a formal document that employers provide to their employees when their employment ends. It usually informs separating employees of details regarding the reason for termination, final paycheck, and unemployment insurance benefits.
  • Federal law doesn’t require employers to issue separation notices upon termination (except for cases involving workers protected by the WARN and the COBRA Act).
  • Currently, 22 states have specific requirements concerning job separation notices.
  • The most common reasons for employment separation include resignation, policy violation, and layoff.
  • The length of the separation process usually depends on the steps specified by the company policy.  

¿Qué es el aviso de separación laboral?

A separation notice or letter of separation is a legal form stating the end of a working relationship between an employer and an employee.

In the US, employee separation notices are typically connected to unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. The UI program provides financial assistance to employees who are unemployed “through no fault of their own.” The exact rules for accessing insurance depend on the state. 

For instance, certain states require employers to inform workers of the necessary steps for accessing those benefits or fill in actual forms and provide them to workers to enable them to receive UI.

Depending on the state, information about unemployment insurance benefits must be written on a poster displayed in the workplace. Alternatively, some states require employers to distribute separation notices to employees upon termination.

¿Cuáles son los requisitos federales de aviso de separación laboral?

The federal law doesn’t contain any general legal requirements regarding separation notices. Thus, each state has the right to enforce its own separation notice rules. 

However, there are 2 exceptions regarding notice requirements upon employment termination:

  • Trabajadores cubiertos por la Ley de notificación de ajuste y reentrenamiento de trabajadores (WARN), y
  • Employees covered by the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

The WARN Act protects workers in the event of plant closings and mass layoffs. For these types of layoffs, employers are required to provide a notice of 60 calendar days

On the other hand, the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) covers private sector group health plans. According to the US Department of Labor, this act applies to employers who had at least 20 employees that worked on more than “50% of its typical business days in the previous calendar year.” 

In essence, COBRA offers a continuation of health coverage after termination of employment and is available in the following events: 

  • Muerte de empleado,
  • Worker’s job loss or work hours reduction (excludes gross misconduct), 
  • El derecho de empleado cubierto a Medicate, 
  • El divorcio o separación legal de trabajador, y
  • La pérdida de la condición de dependiente del niño (y cobertura) bajo el plan. 

If an employer uses a third-party COBRA plan administrator (a person responsible for ensuring that a business complies with COBRA law), they must inform the administrator of the employee’s termination within 30 days after such an event. The administrator then has to notify the employee of their COBRA rights within 14 days. In case the employer is the plan administrator, they have 44 days to issue the COBRA election notice to the employee.

🎓 To learn more about the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and how to stay compliant with FLSA, read the following resource: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Regulations

Separation notice requirements by state for 2025 

Currently, 22 states have specific employment separation requirements for employers. Some compel employers to fill in separation forms, while others require employers to only inform workers of their right to unemployment coverage. 

The table below shows states with specific employee separation notice requirements as well as the links to the forms employers must provide in the event of job separation: 

EstadoRequisitos de separación laboralAviso de separación laboral o formulario de separación laboralConsequences of non-compliance with separation notice requirements
AlabamaUpon separation, employers are required to provide separating employees with a Notice of Availability of Unemployment Compensation in the form of a letter, text, email, or a flyer.Aviso de Disponibilidad de Compensación por DesempleoFailure to timely provide information regarding the reason behind the separation to the Alabama Unemployment Compensation Agency may result in higher charges against the employer’s account.
AlaskaEmployers must provide separating employees with a notice on the availability of unemployment benefits within 7 days after their last workday. Aviso a los empleadosFailure to timely provide employee separation information to the Alaska UI claim center may result in improper benefit payments and higher tax rates.
ArkansasEmployers are required to provide separating employees with a notice on the availability of unemployment benefits.Notice to employeeFailure to timely provide employee separation information to the Arkansas Division of Workforce Services may result in higher charges against the employer’s account.
ArizonaUpon separation, employers are required to provide separating employees with a printed statement explaining how to file for unemployment benefits.UIB-1241AFailure to timely provide employee separation information to the Arizona Department of Economic Security may result in higher charges against the employer’s account.
CaliforniaEmployers must provide separating employees with immediate written notice along with the following pamphlets:
DE 2320,
DE 2515, and
DE 2511.
Un aviso a los empleados sobre el cambio en la relación

(No se requiere un aviso escrito en el caso de la renuncia voluntaria, promoción o degradación, cambio en la asignación o ubicación laboral, o si el trabajo se detuvo debido a una disputa comercial)
Non-compliance shall constitute a misdemeanor.

Failure to timely provide employee separation information to the California Employment Development Department may result in improper benefit payments and higher tax rates.
ColoradoEmployers must provide separating employees with the completed separation form, in electronic or hard copy format.22-234Failure to timely provide employee separation information to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment may result in improper benefit payments.
ConnecticutEmployers must give the unemployment insurance separation packet to the separating employee or mail it to the employee’s last known address (if unable to provide the packet at the time of separation).Unemployment insurance separation packetFailure to timely provide employee separation information to the Connecticut Labor Commissioner may result in improper benefit payments.
GeorgiaEmployers must deliver the completed separation form to the separating employee on their last day of work or mail it to the employee’s last known address within 3 days of the date of separation.DOL-800Failure to disclose relevant information in order to deny unemployment benefits may result in penalties (imprisonment not to exceed 1 year or a fine of not more than $1,000, or both; each such act constitutes a separate offense).
IllinoisEmployers must give a copy of the publication “What Every Worker Should Know About Unemployment Insurance” to the employee at the time of separation or mail it to their last known address within 5 days after the date of the separation.CLI111L (What Every Worker Should Know About Unemployment Insurance)/
IowaNo se requiere aviso a menos que el empleador quiera notificar a Iowa Workforce Development sobre un empleado que deja el empleo por un motivo que puede descalificarlo para recibir los beneficios del seguro de desempleo.Aviso de separación o rechazo del trabajo

Aviso de separación regular (voluntario): 552-0772
LouisianaEmployers must file a separation notice (online) within 3 days after the date on which the separation from employment occurred.LWC-77Failure to timely provide relevant information to the Louisiana Workforce Commission may result in improper benefit payments.
MarylandEmployers must display posters about unemployment benefits and health insurance coverage and provide separated employees with a notice of unemployment insurance availability (either in the form of a letter, email, or text message).
A notice of availability of unemployment compensation
Failure to timely provide employee separation information to the Maryland Department of Labor may result in improper benefit payments.
MassachusettsEmployers must provide a copy of the pamphlet “How to File a Claim for Unemployment Insurance Benefits” to separated employees within 30 days after the separation from employment.0590-AFailure to timely provide relevant information to the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance may result in higher charges against the employer’s account.  
MíchiganEmployers must provide the completed unemployment compensation notice at the time of separation unless employers are filing claims on behalf of the employee.UIA 1711Failure to provide separation information to employees may result in a $10 penalty.
MisuriEmployers must provide the separation notice.M-INF-288-5-AIFailure to disclose relevant information in order to deny unemployment benefits may result in penalties (25% of the amount of benefits, and for each subsequent occurrence of fraud, the penalty rises up to 100% of the amount of benefits denied).
NevadaEmployers must provide unemployment claim information to employees at the time of separation.NUCS-4139Failure to submit timely to the Nevada Employment Security Division all known relevant facts which may affect the employee’s rights to benefits may result in increased benefit charges. 
Nueva JerseyEmployers must provide employees with the completed separation form at the time of separation.As of July 2023, employers also need to electronically report separation information to the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development immediately after the employee is separated. BC-10Failure to comply with separation notice requirements may result in penalties (a fine of $500 or 25% of the amount fraudulently withheld, whichever is greater; each day of noncompliance constitutes a separate offense.)
Nueva YorkEmployers must provide the completed Record of Employment form to separating workers.Employers must inform any terminated employee of the date of termination as well as the date of cancellation of employee benefits related to such termination within 5 business days.IA 12.3Failure to comply with separation notice requirements may result in penalties.
PensilvaniaLos empleadores necesitan proporcionar el formulario de separación laboral completado a los empleados que separan y/o empleados que trabajan horas reducidas.UC-1609Failure to comply with separation notice requirements may result in higher charges against the employer’s account.
Rhode IslandEmployers must display poster about unemployment insurance benefits and provide notice (flyer, text, email, letter, or other communication) to separating employees of the availability of unemployment compensation at the time of separation.Rhode Island Aviso de muestra (pág.2)Fines may be imposed for non-compliance.
Carolina del SurLos empleadores necesitan proporcionar un Aviso de disponibilidad de beneficios de seguro de desempleo en persona, por correo electrónico, o texto, a los empleados. El Aviso de la disponibilidad de los beneficios de seguro de desempleoFailure to supply the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce with the reason behind the employee’s separation may result in increased benefit charges and higher unemployment insurance taxes.
TennesseeEmployers must provide departing employees (except for those who have been in their employ for less than a week) with the completed separation form within 1 day of separation (in person or electronically).LB-0489Failure to comply with separation notice requirements may result in higher charges against the employer’s account.

Frequently asked questions about separation notice requirements

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cuáles son los motivos más comunes para la separación laboral? ¿Qué pasa con los pasos que un empleador tiene que tomar cuando un empleado se marcha? 

¡Estamos respondiendo las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el aviso de separación laboral!

What are common reasons for employment separation?

Employment separation comes in many forms. Some of the most popular reasons for separation are:

  • Renuncia o abandono del trabajo,
  • Violaciones de políticas o conductas,
  • Bajo rendimiento,
  • Problemas de salud y
  • Despido.

How long does the process of employment separation last?

The process of employment separation depends on various factors, such as:

  • Regulaciones federales,
  • Regulaciones estatales, y
  • Practices established by the employer.

Generally, the length of the separation process depends on the steps the company policy specifies, including the steps involved in voluntary and involuntary departures and required termination paperwork. The separation process is usually shorter when an employee separates voluntarily.     

In some states with compulsory separation notice, such as Massachusetts, employers may have up to 30 days to provide the notice. This extends the duration of the separation process.

🎓 To learn more about labor laws in Massachusetts, read our comprehensive Massachusetts labor laws guide: Massachusetts Labor Laws Guide

What should the employer do when an employee departs?

In most cases, employers go through a few general steps when a worker departs. To make things a bit easier for you, here’s an employee separation checklist

  • Informa a RH sobre la renuncia de trabajador,
  • Provide a separation notice within the legal timeline (if required),
  • Haz un plan para la transición,
  • Empieza el proceso de reemplazo del empleado,
  • Realiza una entrevista saliente con el empleado que se separa, y
  • Elimina el acceso a cualquier información confidencial y cobra los activos de la empresa del empleado.

🎓 You can ensure that you follow every essential step in an employee separation process by creating a to-do list. Read the following text to find the best to-do list method for your needs: I Tried 6 To-Do List Methods: Here’s My Verdict

Do I need a separation notice to file for unemployment insurance?

Ya que el aviso de separación laboral no es requerido en la mayoría de los estados, probablemente no necesitarás proporcionar el aviso cuando aplicas para el seguro de desempleo. Cuando se trata de los estados con aviso de separación legal obligatorio, los pasos para recibir el seguro de desempleo dependen de las reglas específicas de este estado.  

Algunos avisos de separación laboral solo contienen pasos para presentar el reclamo de seguro. En este caso, probablemente no tendrás que proporcionar un aviso cuando entregues tu solicitud. En otros estados, los empleadores están requeridos a brindarte el exacto formulario de seguro que debes presentar cuando solicitas el seguro. 

Puedes leer más sobre los pasos que tienes que tomar en cada estado en el sitio web del Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU.

Compensate your employees fairly with Clockify

To ensure adequate compensation for all your employees, including terminated ones, make sure you track their work hours correctly.

The most effective way to track employee hours is to use a simple time tracking tool such as Clockify.

With Clockify’s work hours tracker, you can:

  • Record the time your employees spend on tasks, 
  • Track time off,
  • Set hourly rates, and
  • Analyze tracked time in reports.

Also, in Clockify, you can define hourly rates for every task, project, or employee.

Setting hourly rates in Clockify
Setting hourly rates in Clockify

Once you set hourly rates, your employees can track their work hours, and Clockify will calculate their earnings accordingly.

To check who worked on what and for how long, you can use Clockify’s summary report. You can also select the time range you want the report to cover (it can be this week, past two weeks, this month, etc.). 

Clockify reports
Clockify summary report

Moreover, you can drill down into the data using filters and export it in a PDF, CSV, or Excel format.

Use Clockify to track your employees’ work hours easily and accurately.    

Conclusión/Descargo de responsabilidad

Hopefully, our separation notice guide for 2025 has helped you better understand the rules and regulations regarding employment separation in the United States. 

Para obtener más datos sobre regulaciones de leyes laborales para cada estado:

Please bear in mind that this article was updated and checked in Q1 of 2025. Thus, it may not include changes introduced after it was published. 

Te recomendamos consultar las instituciones adecuadas y/o los representantes certificados antes de tomar acciones legales.

Clockify no es responsable de ningunas pérdidas o riesgos incurridos si esta guía se usa sin la orientación legal.

Rastreador de tiempo gratuito

Software de control del tiempo utilizado por millones. Clockify es una aplicación de seguimiento del tiempo y planilla de horarios que te permite controlar las horas de trabajo en todos los proyectos.


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