Salario mínimo con propina: Guía por estado para 2025

Dejar propina para ciertos trabajos es estándar en los EE.UU. Cuando trabajan, empleados como camareras y bármanes usualmente reciben una cantidad adicional de dinero de sus clientes como una señal de agradecimiento por sus servicios.

Si quieres saber cuánto dinero puede ganar un camarero en EE.UU y si los salarios con propina varían de estado a estado, quédate con nosotros.

En esta guía de salario mínimo con propina por estado para 2025, cubriremos lo siguiente:

  • Unos fundamentos sobre salarios con propina en EE.UU,
  • Salarios mínimos actuales con propinas para los estados de EE. UU. y
  • Preguntas más frecuentes sobre salarios con propina por estado.

*Nota: Se han verificado y actualizado las leyes y regulaciones estatales sobre los salarios mínimos con propinas para 2025.

Tipped wages by state - cover
  • La ley federal establece que los empleados que reciben propinas son aquellos trabajadores que reciben más de $30 en propinas cada mes.
  • Las propinas son pagos adicionales que los clientes dejan a los empleados por sus servicios.
  • Un crédito por propinas permite a los empleadores incluir las propinas en las ganancias del empleado, pagándole así un salario menor al habitual.
  • El salario mínimo federal para los empleados que reciben propinas asciende a $2,13 por hora, pero los empleados que reciben propinas deben ganar al menos $7,25 por hora con su salario y propinas combinados.
  • Algunos estados de los EE. UU. utilizan el salario mínimo federal para los empleados que reciben propinas, mientras que otros tienen un salario mínimo más alto para los empleados que reciben propinas que el federal.

Tabla de contenido

Información general sobre el salario mínimo con propina en EE. UU.

Antes de brindar información objetiva sobre los salarios mínimos con propinas por estado, primero revisaremos la información general que debe saber sobre este tema y repasaremos las siguientes preguntas:

  • ¿Quién cumple los requisitos para ser un empleado con propina?
  • ¿Qué se considera una propina? 
  • ¿Cómo funcionan salarios con propina?
  • ¿Cuál es el salario mínimo federal con propina para los empleados?

¿Quién cumple los requisitos para ser un empleado con propina?

El Departamento de Trabajo de EE. UU. (DOL) define a los empleados que reciben propinas como aquellos que regularmente reciben más de $30 en propinas por mes durante su trabajo.

Algunos ejemplos de empleados que reciben propina incluyen:

  • Bármanes, 
  • Camareros, 
  • Conductores de entrega, 
  • Peluqueros y posiciones similares, la mayoría de los que pertenecen a la industria de servicio.

¿Qué se considera una propina?

Según el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS, por sus siglas en inglés), las propinas son pagos opcionales o adicionales que los clientes dan a los empleados como muestra de agradecimiento por sus servicios.

El IRS clasifica las propinas como:

  • Las propinas recibidas a través del salario electrónico por los consumidores (tarjeta de crédito, tarjeta de débito, tarjeta de regalo, etc.),
  • Las propinas en efectivo de los consumidores,
  • Las propinas recibidas de otros empleados (a través de un fondo común de propinas, división de propinas o otro acuerdo formal o informal de la división de las propinas),
  • Las propinas no monetarias, como por ejemplo billetes.

¿Cómo funcionan salarios con propina?

En los EE.UU, un salario con propina es el salario base pagado a los empleados que reciben una porción significativa de su compensación de las propinas. 

El Departamento de Trabajo de los EE. UU. establece que un empleador sólo está obligado a pagarle a un empleado que recibe propinas $2,13 por hora en salarios directos si el empleado gana al menos el salario mínimo federal combinado con propinas.

En otras palabras, si ganas un total de $7,25 por hora o más, tu empleador puede pagarte el salario mínimo federal de propinas de $2,13 por hora porque tus propinas cubren la cantidad necesaria para alcanzar el salario mínimo federal.

¿Cuál es el salario mínimo federal con propina para los empleados?

The federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13 per hour. However, with their tips combined, tipped employees must earn at least the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

Here’s an example. A server named Lucy made $10 in tips during her 5-hour shift, and her hourly rate is $2.13. She made $20.65 in total wages for the day:

$2.13 x 5 hours = $10.65 (the amount Lucy earned for 5 hours)

$10.65 + $10 in tips = $20.65 (Lucy’s total wages for the day)

When we divide her total wages for the day ($20.65) by 5 hours worked, we see that Lucy made $4.13 per hour, which is below the federal minimum of $7.25 required by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Federal law mandates that the employer must compensate the employee for the difference if the employee’s tips combined with their direct wages of at least $2.13 per hour don’t equal the federal minimum hourly wage.

Entonces, echamos un vistazo a cómo el empleador de Lucy calcula la diferencia: 

$7.25 per hour – $4.13 per hour Lucy made = $3.12 per hour (the amount Lucy’s employer has to pay additionally for each hour worked)

Lucy worked 5 hours (5 x $3.12 per hour), so her employer will pay her an additional $15.60.

El importe total que Lucy ganó se calcula de esa manera:

$20.65 (her total wages for the day) + $15.60 (she got from her employer as the difference) = $36.25 

Federal tipped minimum wages

Tipped minimum wage by state for 2025

In this section, we will examine all state-individual tipped minimum wages for 2025. We have categorized the information into tables to make it easier for you to comprehend.

States with the same tipped minimum wage as the state wage

The following states require employers to pay tipped employees the full state minimum wage before tips. There is no maximum tip credit per hour or a definition of a tipped employee.

EstadoMinimum wage rate and total tipped minimum wage
Minnesota$11.13 for large employers;
$9.08 for small employers;
Montana$10.55 for businesses with gross annual sales over $110,000;
$4.00 for businesses not covered by the FLSA with gross annual sales of $110,000 or less;
Oregón$14.70 (standard);
$15.95 (Portland metro area);
$13.70 (non-urban counties);

States with the tipped minimum wage above the federal tipped minimum wage

The following states require employers to pay tipped employees a minimum cash wage above the federal tipped minimum wage of $2.13 per hour.

EstadoTipped minimum wage rateMaximum tip creditTotal tipped minimum wage Definition of a tipped employee
Colorado$11.79$3.02$14.81Earns more than $30 in tips
Connecticut$6.38 for hotel or restaurant staff;
$8.23 for bartenders
$9.97 for hotel or restaurant staff;
$8.12 for bartenders
Delaware$2.23$12.77$15.00Earns more than $30 in tips
Distrito de Columbia$10.00 (set to increase to $12.00 on July 1, 2025)$7.50$17.50N/S
Florida$9.98 (set to increase to $10.98 on September 1, 2025)$3.02$13.00 (set to increase to $14.00 on September 1, 2025)Earns more than $30 in tips
Hawái$12.75$1.25Employees must receive at least $7.00 more in tips than the minimum wage ($14.00), currently $21.00Earns more than $20 in tips
Idaho$3.35$3.90$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Illinois$9.0040% of the applicable minimum wage ($6.00)$15.00N/S
Iowa$4.35El 40% del salario mínimo aplicable ($2,90)$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Maine$7.3350% of the applicable minimum wage ($7.33)$14.65Earns more than $185 in tips
Maryland$3.63$11.37$15.00Earns more than $30 in tips
Massachusetts$6.75$8.25$15.00Earns more than $20 in tips
Míchigan48% of the minimum hourly wage, which is $5.99 (starting from February 21, 2025)$6.49$12.48 (starting from February 21, 2025)N/S
Misuri$6.8850% of the applicable minimum wage ($6.88)$13.75N/S
Nuevo Hampshire$3.27$3.98$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Nueva Jersey$5.62$9.87$15.49Earns more than $30 in tips
Nuevo México$3.00$9.00$12.00Earns more than $30 in tips
New York (New York City)$13.75 for service employees;
$11.00 for food service workers;
$2.75 for service employees;
$5.50 for food service workers;
New York (Long Island and Westchester County)$13.75 for service employees;
$11.00 for food service workers;
$2.75 for service employees;
$5.50 for food service workers;
New York (Remainder of the NYS)$12.90 for service employees;
$10.35 for food service workers;
$2.60 for service employees;
$5.15 for food service employees;
Dakota del Norte$4.86El 33% del salario mínimo aplicable ($2,39)$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Ohio*$5.35$5.35$10.70Earns more than $30 in tips
Oklahoma$2.00 for employers not covered by the FLSA and with less than $100,000 in revenue;
$2.13 for employers covered by the FLSA;
Maximum of $3.63 for covered FLSA employers with more than $100,000 in revenue$7.25N/S
Pensilvania$2.83$4.42$7.25Earns more than $135 in tips
Rhode Island$3.89$11.11$15.00N/S
Dakota del Sur$5.7550% of the applicable minimum wage ($5.75)$11.50Earns more than $35 in tips
Vermont$7.01$7.01$14.01Earns more than $120 and works in a hotel, motel, tourist place, or a restaurant
Wisconsin$2.33$4.92$7.25Regularly receives tips
Virginia Occidental$2.62El 70% del salario mínimo aplicable ($6,13)$8.75N/S

*Applies to employers with annual gross receipts of $394,000 or more. For businesses with smaller revenues, federal rules apply.

States with the same tipped minimum wage as the federal tipped minimum wage

In the following states, the state minimum tipped wage is the same as that required under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act ($2.13 per hour):

EstadoTipped minimum wage rate Maximum tip credit Total tipped minimum wageDefinition of a tipped employee
Alabama$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Georgia$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Kentucky$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Louisiana$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Misisipi$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Nebraska$2.13$11.37$13.50Earns more than $30 in tips
Carolina del Norte$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $20 in tips
Carolina del Sur$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Tennessee$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Texas$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $20 in tips
Utah$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Virginia$2.13$10.28$12.41Earns more than $30 in tips
Wyoming$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips

Tipped minimum wage for inhabited US territories

Minimum wage regulations for 5 inhabited US territories in the Caribbean and the US Pacific Islands region are presented in the table below.

EstadoTipped minimum wage rateMaximum tip creditTotal tipped minimum wageDefinition of a tipped employee
Samoa Americana$2.13/Tarifa de salario mínimo especialEarns more than $30 in tips
Mancomunidad de las Islas Marianas Septentrionales$2.13$5.12$7.25Earns more than $30 in tips
Puerto Rico$2.13$8.37$10.50Earns more than $30 in tips
Las Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos40% of the minimum hourly wage, which is $4.20$6.30$10.50N/S

Preguntas frecuentes sobre salarios con propina por estado

To learn more about this subject, let’s examine some of the frequently asked questions about tipped minimum wage by state.

Do waiters get paid less than the minimum wage?

The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, so paying employees less is illegal. However, if a waiter makes the minimum wage or more in tips, an employer can pay them at a lower rate.

Waiters earn the majority of their profits through tips. Their employer calculates their daily earnings based on state and federal laws by combining their tipped hourly rate and tips.

In certain states where tip credit is allowed, if a waiter earns more than $30 per month in tips, their employer can claim a tip credit and include tips in their wage calculation.

🎓 How to Calculate Work Hours: A Step-by-step Guide to Calculating Payroll and Hours Worked

¿Por qué los camareros ganan solo $2,13 por hora?

Servers only make $2.13 per hour in direct wages because the money they earn through tips usually exceeds the federal minimum wage. 

In most cases, servers can earn far more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Sometimes, they can earn almost twice that amount (if a server earns less than the federal minimum, the employer must make up the difference). 

This applies to states where the minimum cash wage is the same as that required under the federal FLSA ($2.13 per hour). However, in some states, employers are required to pay tipped employees a minimum cash wage above that amount.

🎓 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Regulations

¿Cuál es el crédito de propina frente a un salario mínimo?

A tip credit against the minimum wage allows employers to include employees’ tips in calculating their wages, allowing them to pay a lower cash wage than the established minimum.

According to the Wage & Hour Division, the maximum tip credit an employer can claim is $5.12 per hour ($7.25 – $2.13 wage = $5.12). This is on the federal level, but tip credit varies by state. 

Here’s an example of a tip credit calculation. Let’s say Mary is a waitress who works 30 hours a week. She earns $370 in tips, which her employer calculates by dividing the total tips by the hours worked. The employer does it like this:

 $370 in tips / 30 hours she worked = $12.33 tips per hour 

As $12.33 per hour exceeds the maximum tip credit of $5.12 per hour, the employer can claim the full tip credit of $5.12 per hour (the amount the employer doesn’t have to pay).

Si, por ejemplo, Mary cobró $100 en propinas, la situación sería diferente:

$100 in tips / 30 hours she worked = $3.33 tips per hour 

As $3.33 per hour is less than the maximum tip credit of $5.12 per hour, Mary’s employer isn’t allowed to claim the full tip credit of $5.12 per hour, and they also have to make up the difference. So, let’s see how much her employer has to add to her regular wages:

$5.12 the maximum tip credit – $3.33 per hour = $1.79 per hour

$1.79 per hour x 30 hours she worked = $53.70 (the total the employer has to add as the difference) 

¿Cuáles estados permiten el crédito de propina?

The Department of Labor (DOL) lists the following states as the states where tip credit is allowed:

AlabamaHawáiMarylandNueva YorkTennessee
ArizonaIdahoMassachusettsCarolina del NorteTexas
ArkansasIllinoisMíchiganDakota del NorteUtah
DelawareKansasNebraskaPensilvaniaVirginia Occidental
Distrito de ColumbiaKentuckyNuevo HampshireRhode IslandWisconsin
FloridaLouisianaNueva JerseyCarolina del SurWyoming
GeorgiaMaineNuevo MéxicoDakota del Sur

Los territorios de EE.UU que permiten el crédito de propina son:

  • Samoa Americana,
  • Mancomunidad de las Islas Marianas Septentrionales, 
  • Puerto Rico, y
  • Las Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos.

A continuación se enumeran reglas estatales adicionales:

  • In Hawaii, tip credit is allowed if the amount that the employee receives from the employer plus the tips they make is at least $7.00 more than the applicable minimum wage.
  • In New Jersey, an employer can use a tip credit against the full state minimum hourly wage only if the tipped employees are first notified of the cash wage they receive and the tip credit the employer claims. Employees retain all tips, except in the case of tip pooling. 
  • In North Carolina, tip credit is allowed after the employer obtains a signed certification of the number of tips each employee received.

¿Cuáles estados no permiten el crédito con propina?

Aunque la mayoría de los estados permite el crédito de propinas, las siguientes estados son en las que no se permite el crédito de propina:

  • Alaska,
  • California,
  • Minnesota,
  • Montana,
  • Nevada,
  • Oregón, y
  • Washington.

Guam, el territorio de EE.UU., también no permite el crédito de propina.

¿Cuales estados usan salario mínimo federal con propina?

Certain states follow the federal rate of $2.13 per hour regarding tipped minimum wage. 

In other words, the state minimum wage payment in the following is the same as the one required under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act ($2.13 per hour):

  • Alabama,
  • Georgia,
  • Indiana,
  • Kansas,
  • Kentucky,
  • Louisiana,
  • Misisipi,
  • Nebraska,
  • Carolina del Norte,
  • Carolina del Sur,
  • Tennessee,
  • Texas,
  • Utah,
  • Virginia, y
  • Wyoming.

Los territorios de EE.UU que usan el salario mínimo federal con propina son:

  • Samoa Americana,
  • Mancomunidad de las Islas Marianas Septentrionales, y
  • Puerto Rico.

Algunas normas estatales adicionales declaradas por el DOL están cubiertas a continuación:

  • The state minimum wage law doesn’t apply to tipped employees in Georgia. In this state, employers must pay employees covered by the federal FLSA at least the federal minimum wage.
  • The tipped minimum wage in Oklahoma is currently $2.13, but the US Department of Labor classifies Oklahoma as a state with a higher rate than the federal rate. Contact the Oklahoma Department of Labor for more information.

🎓 Oklahoma Labor Laws Guide

What are the states that have their own tipped minimum wages?

The majority of states have their own tipped minimum wages. These states require employers to pay tipped employees a minimum cash wage above the minimum cash wage required under the federal FLSA ($2.13 per hour):

ArizonaDistrito de ColumbiaIowaMisuriDakota del NorteDakota del Sur
ArkansasFloridaMaineNuevo HampshireOhioVermont
ColoradoHawáiMarylandNueva JerseyOklahomaWisconsin
ConnecticutIdahoMassachusettsNuevo MéxicoPensilvaniaVirginia Occidental
DelawareIllinoisMíchiganNueva YorkRhode Island

Las Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos también tienen sus propias reglas sobre el salario mínimo con propina.

Some additional state and US territory rules are as follows:

  • En Connecticut, el salario mínimo en efectivo varía para los empleados trabajando en hoteles y restaurantes ($6,38) y bármanes que habitualmente reciben propinas ($8,23).
  • In New York, the minimum cash wage differs for tipped food service workers ($10.35 – $11.00 per hour) and tipped service employees ($12.90 – $13.75 per hour).
  • In the US Virgin Islands, the Wage Board is authorized to increase the minimum wage for tipped tourist service and restaurant employees to a rate not greater than 45% of the minimum wage or less than the federal tipped minimum wage.

¿Qué es un fondo común de propinas?

Tip pooling is a form of tip distribution in which all of the tips are accumulated into one lump sum, which is then divided (mostly equally, but not always) among the tipped employees.

For example, tips can be split based on the hours worked or a point system where employees get a certain number of points, which determines the percentage of the tip pool they receive. These points are distributed to all workers who helped during that shift, such as:

  • Asistentes de servicio,
  • Bármanes,
  • Servidores,
  • Anfitrionas,
  • Camareros, etc.

Sin embargo, la acumulación de propinas debe ser legal y estar de acuerdo con las regulaciones estatales y federales.

Para crear una política de fondo común de propina adecuada para tu negocio, debe cubrir los siguientes detalles:

  • Si el fondo común de la propina es obligatorio o voluntario,
  • Which employees must participate in tip pooling (if it is mandatory),
  • ¿Cuánto debe contribuir cada empleado al ´fondo´?
  • How you’ll divide the tips.

Once you have a tipping policy in place, communicate the rules clearly to your employees. 

¿Es posible que un empleado te impone participar en un fondo común de propinas?

The short answer is — yes, they can.

La ley federal permite a los empleadores requerir a los empleados a participar en un fondo común y compartir propinas con otros empleados.

However, as the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) states, employers must notify their employees of any required tip pool contributions and can’t retain any tips for other purposes.

¿Cuánto dinero gana la mayoría de los camareros por un turno?  

Based on the latest US Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers, the hourly wage for waiters and waitresses in 2023 was $15.36 per hour.

However, how much a server makes per shift depends on several factors, such as:

  • The location and popularity of the server’s workplace — Restaurants in major US cities with a lot of visitors usually provide a better opportunity for tipped employees than restaurants in, for instance, a small town in Alabama.
  • The type of shift they work — The amount of tips a server can make largely depends on the time of day because not every shift covers a lot of customers. For example, someone who works on a busy weekend night has more opportunities to get tips than someone who works during a slower shift, such as a lunch shift.
  • The server’s skill level — A server with a higher skill level will more likely be awarded for their service than a server with a lower skill level.

🎓 Overtime Laws by State — Guide for 2023

¿Cuál es el salario mínimo con propina?

The lowest a tipped employee can be paid is $2.13 per hour. Nonetheless, such employees must receive the federal minimum of $7.25 when wages and tips combine. 

¿Cuál es el salario máximo con propina?

The state with the highest tipped minimum wage in the US is Washington; it amounts to $16.66 per hour. In addition, several states have high tipped minimum wages too, including:

  • Illinois — $9.00 per hour,
  • Maine — $7.33 per hour,
  • Arizona — $11.70 per hour,
  • Colorado — $11.79 per hour,
  • California — $16.50 per hour, and
  • Florida — $9.98 per hour.

Furthermore, the minimum tipped wage in the District of Columbia is currently $10.00 per hour and will increase to $12.00 on July 1, 2025.

🎓 District of Columbia Labor Laws Guide

¿Es obligatorio dar propinas en EE.UU.?

Although tipping isn’t mandatory in the US, employees expect and appreciate it. In most states, leaving a tip is customary even if the service wasn’t the best. 

In cases of large parties, some restaurants will even add an automatic gratuity. Gratuity is usually a set percentage of the pre-tax total. If it’s included, you don’t have to tip. 

¿Se debe pagar un impuesto para las propinas?

Tips are considered income, and like any other income, they are subject to federal income tax. Every employee is responsible for reporting their tips to their employer. 

However, if your monthly tips are less than $20, you don’t need to report the tips for that month. 

Como declara el IRS, como un empleado que recibe propinas debes hacer 3 cosas:

  1. Mantener un registro diario de propinas,
  2. Report tips to the employer (unless the total is less than $20 per month), and
  3. Presentar todas las propinas en una declaración de impuestos individuales.

According to the IRS, any tips the employee didn’t report to the employer must be reported separately on Form 4137 (Social Security and Medicare Tax on Unreported Tip Income) to include as additional wages with their tax return. The employer must also pay the employee’s share of Social Security and Medicare tax owed on those tips.

The amount the employer withholds from employees’ paychecks is based on their total wages plus tips, so employees must report all cash and non-cash tips received to the employer.

Aquí están las propinas que se deben presentar y para cuáles se debe pagar el impuesto:

  • Las propinas en efectivo de los consumidores,
  • Las propinas cargadas (como cargos de tarjeta de crédito y débito) que reciben los empleados de sus empleadores,
  • Las propinas recibidas de otros empleados bajo un acuerdo de compartir propinas.

🎓 Is Overtime Taxed More? Everything You Need to Know

What is the tipped minimum wage in NY?

Según el Departamento de Trabajo del Estado de Nueva York, las tarifas de salario mínimo para el estado de Nueva York dependen de la región:

Los salarios mínimos para los empleados que reciben propina en el Estado de Nueva YorkLa ciudad de Nueva YorkLong Island y el Condado de WestchesterEl resto del Estado de Nueva York
Los empleados de servicio (Salario en efectivo)$13.75$13.75$12.90
Los empleados de servicio (Crédito de propina)$2.75$2.75$2.60
Los empleados de servicio de comida (Salario en efectivo) $11.00$11.00$10.35
Los empleados de servicio de comida (Crédito de propina)$5.50$5.50$5.15

What is the minimum wage for waiters and waitresses in Florida?

As of September 30, 2024, the minimum wage in Florida sits at $13.00 an hour, according to the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association (FRLA). The required cash wage for tipped employees is $9.98.

The minimum wage will increase to $14.00 an hour in September 2025, and cash wages for tipped employees will rise to $10.98.

Track payroll hours with Clockify

Calculating payroll hours can be time-consuming — and even the smallest mistakes often lead to incorrect calculations and errors.

That’s why payroll tracking software, such as Clockify, can simplify this process and minimize unexpected costs.

To get started, create projects and tasks you want your employees to work on.

Creating projects in Clockify
Creating projects in Clockify

Once your projects and tasks are set, you can determine hourly rates for each employee, project, or task.

Set hourly rates in Clockify
Set hourly rates in Clockify

Lastly, employees need to log their work hours by using:

Time tracker clockify
Time tracker in Clockify

Start tracking work hours for FREE!

Conclusión/Descargo de responsabilidad

Rules regarding tipped wages in the US depend on where you’re working.

Para estar completamente informado de todas los derechos como empleado que recibe propina, asegúrate de consultar:

  • Lo que afirman las leyes federales y estatales sobre los empleados que reciben propina y sus salarios,
  • Lo que afirma la ley en tu estado sobre el crédito de propina,
  • Lo que afirma el IRS sobre el pago del importe de las propinas.

Para obtener información más detallada, asegúrate de prestar más atención a los enlaces que hemos proporcionado, ya que la mayoría de ellos te llevarán al sitio web oficial del gobierno y otras informaciones importantes.

Please note that this guide was written in Q1 of 2025, so any changes in the labor laws introduced later may not be included in this guide. 

This guide offers a general overview of information and does not constitute legal advice. Before taking legal action, consult the appropriate institutions and/or authorized representatives. 

Clockify no es responsable de las pérdidas o riesgos incurridos si esta guía se utiliza sin asistencia adicional de los asesores legales o fiscales.

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Software de control del tiempo utilizado por millones. Clockify es una aplicación de seguimiento del tiempo y planilla de horarios que te permite controlar las horas de trabajo en todos los proyectos.


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