Control de tiempo y gastos

Aprobar tiempo y gastos

This article describes the process by which Admins and Managers review and approve tracked time entries and expenses submitted by team members. With this process, time and budget spent on a project can be precisely estimated and allocated.

Approving tracked time is available on Standard and higher subscription plans and can be performed by workspace Admins and Team managers.
Approving tracked expenses is available on PRO and higher subscription plans and can be performed by workspace Admins and Team managers. 

Imagine you are a project manager overseeing a team of developers working on a project for a client. Team members submit tracked expenses during project-related activities, such as software licenses or travel expenses. As the project manager, you review these submissions to make sure they align with project budgets and client agreements. Once approved, these entries are integrated into project reports and invoices, providing clients with the billing information. 

Admin or Team manager can approve, reject and edit the submitted time and expenses from the Aprobaciones página.

La interfaz de usuario que se muestra en este vídeo puede no corresponder a la última versión de la aplicación.

Approve time #

Each time approval request contains the following information: 

  • Author of the submitted request 
  • Time of the submitted request 
  • Status:
    • Sin enviar
    • Pending
    • Aprobado

Whenever there’s a timesheet that’s waiting for approval, you’ll see an orange dot as an indicator in the sidebar.

Pending pestaña

Lists timesheets that are waiting for approval. You can approve all requests at once, or filter by user or group.

Recuerda a aprobar

If there are Team managers that are supervising team members, you, as an Admin, can click Recuerda a aprobar to send an email reminder to each Team manager to approve their team members’ timesheets.  

To send Team managers reminder to approve:

  1. Ve a la Aprobaciones página
  2. If team members have assigned Team managers, Recuerda a aprobar button will be enabled
  3. Reminder to approve submitted request will be sent to Team manager’s emails  

To see a full timesheet, click on the request to see it in more detail.

Edit pending time request #

Admins can edit other user’s pending requests directly from the Pending en la Aprobaciones página.
Unless time entries are locked, Team managers can edit their team’s pending requests.

Para editar una solicitud pendiente:

  1. Ve a Aprobaciones página
  2. En Pending tab, choose submitted timesheet
  3. Haz clic en el ícono de lápiz para editar junto a la entrada de tiempo
  4. In Edit time entry screen, you can edit the following:
    • Time and date
    • Descripción
    • Proyecto
    • Facturabilidad
    • Duplicate/delete entry

After you’ve made all the necessary changes, click GUARDAR para completar la acción.

Manager’s approval #

In addition to Admins, Team managers can also approve timesheets for the users they manage.

  1. Ve a Equipo página
  2. Haz clic en + Rol para la persona que quieres convertir en gerente
  3. Marca Gerente de equipo
  4. Selecciona usuarios para los que pueden ver y aprobar las planillas de horarios
  5. Guarda los cambios

Una vez que una persona tiene el rol de Gerente de equipo role, they can see the Aprobación page in the sidebar, and they can see only their member’s approval requests and either approve or reject them.

Approve expenses #

As is the case with approving time, if there is some expense waiting for approval, you’ll see an orange dot as an indicator in the sidebar.

If you’d like to submit the Expenses approval in the Aprobaciones página:

  1. Navega a la página de Aprobaciones página
  2. Haz clic en Sin enviar pestaña

Here’s the list of all the unsubmitted Expense approvals with the Team member’s name, total time, number of approved time off hours and total amount of expenses all grouped based on the time period. If you expand one and click on the unsubmitted expenses, you’ll be redirected to the Planilla de horarios page with all the time entries that can be submitted. 

To continue the process: 

  1. Haz clic en Enviar para su aprobación
  2. Aparece la pantalla de confirmación
  3. Haz clic en Enviar para confirmar la acción

Una vez aprobado el gasto, no se puede editar de ninguna manera.

Edit pending expenses #

Admins can edit other user’s expenses directly from the Pending en la Aprobaciones página.
Team managers can edit their team’s pending requests unless time expenses are locked.

Para editar el gasto pendiente:

  1. Ve a Aprobaciones página
  2. Choose submitted timesheet in Pending pestaña
  3. Click on edit icon
  4. En Edit expense screen, edit the following:
    • Fecha
    • Proyecto
    • Category
    • Importe
    • Facturabilidad
    • Add/delete receipt
    • Delete request

After you’ve made all the necessary changes, click GUARDAR para completar la acción.

If the timesheet is waiting for approval, the Aprobaciones item in the sidebar is marked with an orange dot.

Reject submitted request #

Rejecting a submitted request needs to be done on the Aprobaciones página. 

To reject a request:

  1. Ve a la Aprobaciones page, Pending pestaña
  2. Open the request
  3. Haz clic en Reject en la esquina superior derecha
  4. Leave a note
  5. Haz clic en Reject para completar la acción

As a result, the approval request will be deleted, the pending label will be removed and the user will receive an email containing the note.

If a member submitted a timesheet with entries that are wrongly submitted, you can: 

  • Reject the entire timesheet then edit and resubmit the entry
  • Ve a la Informe detallado and manually correct the mistake (only as Owner/Admin, or their Team manager)

Once you approve time, time entries are permanently locked. Even Admins can’t make any edits.

If you invoice time after approval and want to mark what’s been invoiced, you can import approved time entries into an factura and approved time entries will automatically get an invoiced tag so you can see what’s been invoiced and filter reports by status.

Sii la hora de inicio y fin incluye un período nocturno, habrá un número superíndice al lado de la hora de fin, que mostrará cuántos días adicionales cubre la entrada de tiempo.

Notifications: #

  • User’s Team manager is notified if Timesheet is submitted 
  • User who submitted the timesheet is notified if Timesheet is approved 
  • User receives an email and note if Timesheet is rejected
  • User and all the Admins receive an email if Approval is withdrawn 

If you’re Admin and want to receive an email notification when a user submits their timesheet, you need to have a Gerente de equipo role for users you manage. This means that, for certain users, you’ll be both an Admin and a Team manager.

You can send email reminders to both users to submit their unsubmitted timesheets, and managers to approve their team members’ timesheets.

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