Tanja Trkulja - Productivity author and researcher at Clockify

Ever since she was a little girl, Tanja’s passion for the written word has run deep. When the opportunity to switch jobs from English teacher to writer arose, she eagerly took it.

Life happened, as it often does, which ultimately compelled Tanja to seek ways to improve her productivity and motivation. Her goal was to follow the path to efficient work and a fulfilling personal life, without the dangers of stress or burnout, and share what she has learned along the way. Today, as a productivity author and researcher, she feels like she has finally found her place in the world where she can better herself every day and help others do the same.

Always an optimist, Tanja lives by the motto that everything will be OK in the end — if it’s not OK, it’s not the end. When she’s not writing or reading (or mindlessly scrolling on social media), she likes to unleash her inner child and try her hand at many hobbies that tickle her fancy at the given moment; from hiking and folk dancing to crafting, drawing, and embroidery.

It’s not easy to have many different interests and actually enjoy them, which is precisely why modern productivity tools make such a huge difference. To be able to share that experience through writing is like a dream come true. Thanks to that, Tanja’s belief in the old truth is stronger than ever — words hold magic within them to change the world.

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