Paid Features

See how all the paid features work and try them out for free!


  Efficient administration
  Hide sensitive information
  More customization options

Add time for others

Log time on behalf of your team

Add time on other people's behalf right from the report. You can add time either for a single user, or for a whole group at once. Or alternatively, switch to your teammate's timesheet and quickly populate their timesheet for them. This way, you'll no longer have to wait for someone to add the missing time.

Extra features Add time for others

Hide time & pages

Prevent users from seeing everything

Hide Projects, Team, and Reports from regular users. Prevent people from seeing other people's time entries.

Extra features Hide pages

Required fields

Prevent incomplete time entries

Make your most important fields required so no one can create entries with missing information (like description, project, task, or a custom field). Once entries are properly categorized, you'll no longer have to spend hours fixing other people's timesheets.

Extra features Required fields

Bulk edit

Update multiple entries, projects, and users

Select all the time entries, users, or projects you wish to update and edit their properties. Perfect for record keeping, like when you need to mark entries as invoiced, move them to a different project, mark projects as private, adding same custom field info to multiple users, etc.

Extra features Bulk edit

Decimal format

See and export time in decimal format

Switch to decimal duration format, and all time will be displayed, entered, and exported in decimals (instead of the clock format).

Extra features Decimal format

Time audit

Clean up your reports

Find all uncategorized entries or entries that are suspiciously short/long, and fix them. Once everything is properly labeled and cleaned up, you can lock them and share the report with clients.

Extra features Time audit

Customize export

Add logo and remove columns

When exporting reports or projects, choose which columns you don't need in the CSV/Excel, or what you wish to be displayed on the PDF report (data, charts, different report name, company logo, etc.).

Extra features customize export

Project templates

Set up a lot of identical projects

Once you have a project with tasks set up, set it as a template. Then, every time you create a new project, you'll be able to select the template and have all the tasks and settings copied over to the new project. Perfect if you have a lot of similar projects for different clients.

Extra features Project templates

Historical rates

Update all your past hourly rates

When you change an hourly rate, you can choose if the new rate applies to only newly created time entries from now on, if you wish to overwrite previous rate on existing time entries, or if you wish to apply the new rate from a certain date forward.

Extra features Historical rates

Edit profile

Change your teammate's information

Edit your team member's profile information (like their name or profile image) directly yourself, without having to wait for them to do it.

Extra features Edit profiles

Import time

Import your old timesheets from a file

Prepare a CSV file in Excel, and then import it. Clockify will analyze the file, create any missing projects and clients, and import all the time entries in it for both you and your team.

Extra features import timesheets

Kiosk PIN

Clock in with PIN

When clocking in and out via the kiosk, require employees to sign in with their personal 4-digit PIN code. You can also clock in for others using the kiosk's secret Universal PIN code.

Extra features kiosk PIN


Track break time

Enable breaks so people can take a break while clocked in and track how much time they spend on breaks.

Extra features breaks

Favorite entries

Pin most used timers

Pin existing time entries to the top of the Time Tracker page so you can quickly start timers for your most common activities.

Extra features favorite entries

Split time

Split one time entry into two

Choose a specific time and separate running or existing time entries into two right from the Tracker or a Calendar.

Extra features split time


  Collect timesheets efficiently
  Ensure labor law compliance
  Bill clients accurately

Time off

Manage leaves, holidays, and balances

Create holidays and time off policies (eg. paid vacation, banked hours, sick leaves), and add accrued time off to your team. Later, your team members can request leaves and keep track of their balance.

Extra features time off


Issue invoices based on tracked time

You can create invoices for your clients, which you can download as PDF and send to your clients. You can make invoices from scratch, or invoice your existing time entries from Clockify.

Extra features Invoicing


Formally approve timesheets and expenses

Users can submit their time and expenses for weekly or monthly approval. Then, project managers or team managers can approve (or reject) the timesheet before it goes to payroll. Once time is approved, it can no longer be changed (not even by admin). In case of mistake, the approval has to be withdrawn, which the written trail of who made the changes, when, and why will permanently remain.

Extra features time approval

Manager role

Give someone more permissions

Make someone a team manager so they can see their team's time and approve their timesheets. Or, make someone a project manager so they can see tracked time on their projects, approve time on their projects, and edit everything on their projects (eg. create tasks, add project members, set estimates, etc).

Extra features manager role

Lock timesheets

Prevent members from editing past timesheets

Lock all timesheets before a certain date so only admins can make further edits. Also, your team will no longer be able to add backdated time entries. Once timesheets are locked, you can safely invoice your client and calculate payroll, knowing that no one will accidentally change the data.

Extra features Lock timesheets

Targets & reminders

Remind people to log their time

Create time tracking targets for groups and members (eg. 8h/day). If someone forgets to log their time, they'll get an automatic reminder via email. Or, if someone tracks too much time, admins and managers can also receive an email.

Extra features Targets & reminders

Task rates

Define hourly rate per task

Define a special hourly rate for each task on a project, and choose which tasks are billable and which non-billable by default.

Extra features Task rates


Round time in reports

Switch rounding on and off so you can analyze reports easier and send them over to clients.

Extra features Rounding

QuickBooks integration

Send time to QuickBooks for billing

Connect Clockify to your QuickBooks account and sync users and customers between them. Then, go to Detailed report to review tracked time, filter out what you don't need, and then send all time logs to QuickBooks for further processing.

Extra features QuickBooks

Customize kiosk

Add logo and control how long is kiosk open

When you open kiosk, it stays open for 24h. After that, the session expires and admin needs to log in again. If you want it to stay open longer or shorter, you can set any number of hours you like. You can also upload company logo to replace Clockify logo on the kiosk screen.

Extra features Customize kiosk

Attendance & overtime

See your team's daily attendance and overtime

Track your team’s daily attendance and see when they started and finished working, how much time they spent on work vs break, and who worked overtime. Then, filter the report by any dimension and export the data.

Extra features attendance and overtime


  Plan resources and track status
  Analyze costs and expenses
  Boost productivity


Schedule employees and plan resources

Visualize projects assignments and shifts so you know how busy or available your team is at a glance. Plan projects on a timeline, assign who needs to work on what and when, and publish assignments so people can see what they need to work on and when.

Extra features project scheduling Extra features employee scheduling

Assignments report

Compare scheduled vs tracked hours

Assign work, let people track time, and get planned vs actual insights into hours across projects, users, and dates so you can plan better in the future.

Extra features scheduled vs tracked


Record and invoice expenses

Expenses allow you to record fixed fees on projects (reimbursements, day rates, retainers, overtime pay, salaries, mileages, etc.). Later, include expenses in invoices. You can also run custom expense reports and export them as CSV or Excel.

Extra features Expenses

Budget & estimates

Track progress on fixed-fee projects

Set a monetary estimate on projects and tasks, and Clockify will track progress based on tracked billable amount and send alerts when you're about to go over budget. You can also exclude non-billable time from time estimates, set automatic resets, and compare actuals with estimates in reports.

Extra features Project budget and estimate

Multiple currencies

Set a currency for each client

Add multiple currencies and define a specific one for each client to see reports and amounts in their currencies.

Extra features multiple currencies

Custom fields

Track additional information

Add custom fields to time entries and track anything you imagine: expenses, mileage, number of processed units, job codes, location, equipment, payment status, task status, project ID, deal number, links to receipts, documentation…

Extra features custom fields

User fields

Add employee information

Add custom fields to users, like: employee ID, department, phone number, address… Later, each time entry will get that user's data so you can filter and export time entries in Excel/CSV along with user fields.

Extra features user fields

Labor cost & profit

Analyze client and project profitability

In addition to billable rates, you can also define labor costs of each user and project. Then, Clockify will calculate what each time entry costs you (doesn't matter if an entry is billable or not), and you can compare what you charge clients vs what you pay your team.

Extra features labor costs

Email reports

Receive time reports via email

Select date range (eg. Last Month), filter a report by some criteria, and create a link to it. You can then mark the report as scheduled and receive a summary via email each day, week, or month.

Extra features scheduled reports


Know when projects are about to go over budget

Set time estimates for your projects. The moment a project comes near the allotted time, you'll get an alert via email and know that it's time to review progress.

Extra features Alerts

Force timer

Prevent people from entering time manually

Enable "Force timer" and everyone in your team will have to use the timer in order to fill their timesheets. Regular users also won't be able to change start or end time of their existing entries.

Extra features force timer


Fill timesheets based on screenshots

Enable screenshots and Clockify's screenshot recording app will take a screenshot every 5 minutes while your timer is running. Then, at the end of the day, you can look at the screenshots and manually categorize tracked time by project.

Extra features Screenshots

GPS tracking

See visited client sites and locations

Enable GPS tracking and every time your team start/stop the timer via Clockify mobile app (iOS/Android), the app will pick up their location and you can see all the clients that were visited that day.

Extra features GPS location tracking


Predict future project performance

Visualize project progress based on tracked time, view predictions based on scheduled assignments, and add estimates to see if the project will go over or under them.

Extra features forecasting

Data region

Choose where data is hosted

Host your data in EU (Germany), UK, USA or Australia to ensure organizational data security compliance.

Extra features data region


  Ensure security compliance
  Control your data
  Keep audit of changes

Single sign-on

Improve user log-in security

Eliminate user passwords and require everyone in your team to log in using your company's IdP authentication system. Clockify supports all protocols (LDAP/AD, SAML2, OAuth2) used by all major identity providers (Office 365, Azure, Google, Okta, etc.)

Extra features single sign-on

Custom subdomain

Move workspace to a custom private link

Create a subdomain and move your whole workspace there so your team never has to wonder if they track time in the right workspace. You can also let your employees join automatically, and they won't be able to have multiple workspaces.

Extra features custom subdomain

Control accounts

Get a direct access to your teams' accounts

See all your users' information, edit their name and email, manage their API keys, and log-in as them for troubleshooting purposes.

Extra features control accounts

Audit log

Keep track of all the changes

Start recording all the actions users make in your workspace and then run audit report for any action, date, or user to see a detailed list of all changes they made to entry, project, or expense (eg. see what time was added manually, which entries were updated, etc.).

Extra features audit log