Managing tasks

Practical advice and expert insights on how best to manage tasks and projects.

Do “Study With Me” Videos Help With Productivity?

Learn how study with me videos can turn your studies around, and make you more productive, efficient, and result in better grades.

How to categorize your work and present it to clients

Easy, actionable advice for categorizing your work and writing the best reports that will impress your clients.

15+ Practical Ways to Improve Work Performance

Become a super productive employee with these 15+ practical ways to improve work performance in 2023 and beyond!

How to track project expenses when freelancing or working from home (+templates)

Learn what project expenses are and how you can use our templates to easily track your project expenses when freelancing or working from home.

How to organize yourself and your time as a freelancer

Get the most out of a freelancing life and have a thriving career by earning how to organize your time, resources, and mind.

How to be more efficient with your tasks

Learn how to easily and effectively deal with work and personal tasks.

Getting Things Done — Explained In 5 Simple Steps

Declutter your mental space and organize everything efficiently by using the GTD methodology, a popular task management method.