
Manage multiple users’ time tracking settings

1 min read

As an admin or owner, if you find that many of your employees aren’t regularly tracking their time, you can manually input their time entries. However, individually adding time for each employee can be a time-consuming task. To improve the process, you have the option to bulk-add time entries for them. 

Bulk edit users can be performed on any paid plan. However, if you are on a PRO plan and therefore have custom fields and cost rate available, you will be able to see and edit these properties.

To update multiple members’ time tracking settings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Team page
  2. In Members tab select team members whose settings you wish to update
  3. Once selected, click Bulk edit at the top
  4. Select which properties you wish to update and set new values
  5. Click Save to update all selected members with new values

Only admins and owners can perform this action.

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