
Hide entries & pages

By default, all members of your workspace can see all time entries and expenses. However, you can hide this information, if necessary.

Hide tracked time and expenses #

Hiding tracked time and expenses from other users in your workspace is a paid feature, which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to any of our paid plans.

To hide tracked time and expenses:

  1. Open Workspace settings
  2. Choose Permissions tab
  3. Find Regular users can see section
  4. Check the option that fits your preferences

You can choose if regular users can see:

  • and expenses: regular users will be able to see the time entries and expenses made by other people on every project
  • Only time and expenses on public projects: regular users will be able to see the time entries and expenses made by other people on public projects
  • Only their own time and expenses: regular users will only be able to see their own entries
    and expenses

You can also choose whether users can access Team Dashboard and if they can access project status tab (so they can track progress and how much of the estimate remains). If users can access status but can’t see billable rates, they’ll only be able to see progress and all amounts will remain hidden.

This setting doesn’t affect project managers. Project managers, even though they’re regular users, can see all tracked time on projects where they have the manager role.

You can learn more about who can do and see what here.

Hide pages #

Additionally, you can hide Projects, Team, and reports pages from Regular users’ side bar.

Hiding pages affects managers differently:

  • Project managers always see Reports and Projects pages
  • Team managers always see Reports page

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