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#1 Rated Software | 9,000+ Reviews | 95% Customer Satisfaction

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Over 4 milion people use Clockify to track time and improve productivity

Frequently asked questions

Are there any limits in the free plan?

There are no limits! Track as much time and invite as many users as you want. If you need more, pay for what you need, when you need it.

How much does Clockify cost?

Clockify is free no matter how many users you have. To use PRO features, you'll need a paid subscription. Pricing starts from $3.99 per user seat.

How canceling works?

You can delete your Clockify account (and all personal data) or end your paid subscription at any time in just a few clicks.

Can I try out the paid features?

Absolutely! You can try out all paid features for free for 7 days, no credit card required. You can activate the free trial on the Upgrade page, or you can request a demo.

Explore PRO features

See what our paid plans offer and try advanced features.


Schedule employees and plan resources

Visualize projects assignments and shifts so you know how busy or available your team is at a glance.

Plan projects on a timeline, assign who needs to work on what and when, and publish assignments so people can see what they need to work on and when.

Extra features project scheduling Extra features employee scheduling


Formally approve timesheets

Users can submit their weeks or holiday requests for approval. Then, the supervisor can approve (or reject) the timesheet before it goes to payroll.

Once time is approved, it can no longer be changed (not even by admin). In case of mistake, the approval has to be withdrawn, but the written trail of who made the changes, when, and why will permanently remain.

Extra features time approval

Time Off

Manage leaves, holidays, and balances

Create holidays and time off policies (eg. paid vacation, banked hours, sick leaves), and add accrued time off to your team. Later, your team members can request leaves and keep track of their balance.

Extra features time off

Labour Cost & Profit

Analyze project profitability

Define labor costs and billable rates for each user and project. Then, Clockify will calculate what you chagre clients vs what you pay your team and you can analyze the number broken down by any dimension and date range you wish (eg. month, project, team, clients, etc.).

Extra features labor costs

Budget & Alerts

Stay on top of budgets

Set a time estimate or a fixed monetary budget on projects and task. Then, as you and your team track time, see status in real time and get notified via email when some project or task is close to going over.

Extra features budget Extra features Alerts


Issue invoices based on tracked time

You can create invoices for your clients, which you can download as PDF and send to your clients. You can make invoices from scratch, or invoice your existing time entries from Clockify.

Extra features Invoicing


Record and invoice expenses

Expenses allow you to record fixed fees on projects (reimbursements, day rates, retainers, overtime pay, salaries, mileages, etc.).

Later, include expenses in invoices. You can also run custom expense reports and export them as CSV or Excel.

Extra features Expenses

Scheduled Reports

Receive time reports via email

Get a custom report with all the numbers you need broken down by project or team each day, week, or month directly in your inbox so you can stay on top of things, without having to open Clockify.

Extra features scheduled reports


Fill timesheets based on screenshots

Then, at the end of the day, you can look at the screenshots and manually categorize tracked time by project. This way, you can track time in one chunk at the end of the day rather than having to bother with starting and stopping a timer for each different task.

Extra features Screenshots

GPS Tracking

See visited client sites and locations

Enable GPS tracking and every time your team start/stop the timer via Clockify mobile app (iOS/Android), the app will pick up their location and you can see all the clients that were visited that day.

Extra features GPS location tracking

World-class customer support

We're here 24 hours a day, every day of the week, including holidays.

Email • Phone • Chat
24/7 support anytime, anywhere
1h average time to respond
95% satisfaction (18k+ ratings)
SOC2 certified data security
99.99% service uptime level