
Manage scheduled projects

Manage scheduled projects from the Schedule page and modify them according to your needs. Expand the project to see more details and information.

Scheduling is a paid feature, which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to the PRO or ENTERPRISE plan.

Scheduling can be performed by Admins. Project managers can only schedule their own projects.

See who is assigned to the scheduled project and the number of hours they are assigned to. 

Add members to scheduled project  #

Extend the team working on scheduled project or assignments by adding new members: 

  1. Navigate to the Schedule page
  2. Choose the Project tab
  3. Click on +Member
  4. Search for and select a member
  5. Create assignment window appears allowing modifications
    • Select or create task
    • Define time range
    • Specify working hours/days
    • Add any necessary notes
    • Enable billability
    • Define if assignment recurs

Click Create to complete the action.

Search project or client  #

Search for a particular project or client based on the dates when the projects were scheduled. 

To do that:

  1. Navigate to the top right corner of the page
  2. Adjust the date range using the date picker
  3. See assignments for a different time periods like this week, next month, or any custom period (e.g. next 30 days)
    The range can be from 1 week to a maximum of 8 weeks.

Use arrows to navigate between previous and next time periods. Project blocks with an underline indicate a person is scheduled to work on that project all day. A red overline indicates they are over their capacity. Zoom in and out for a detailed view of assignments.

See total hours assigned for each project in the selected time range, displayed next to the project name.

Understand the status of projects/tasks:

  • Active – New assignments can be created
  • Completed – Only existing assignments are visible
  • Public – Any member can be scheduled 
  • Private – Members need to be added before scheduling
  • Archived – Only existing assignments are visible

See team member’s schedule #

For a detailed view of a team member’s schedule:

  1. Click on a team member in the Projects tab
  2. You’ll be redirected to the Team tab where you can see their timeline in more detail

In case your initial plan and schedule changed and you’re either behind or ahead of the schedule with your project, you can shift the start day.

Shift timeline #

  1. Choose the project
  2. Click on the three dots
  3. Choose Shift timeline
  4. Choose the new start date of your assignments
  5. Click Shift to complete the process

After shifting the timeline, all assignments and tasks will be automatically adjusted accordingly. 

For more details on how to schedule assignments for your team, check out Schedule team assignments

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