Getting Started

Glossary of terms

22 min read

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T

 | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

A #

Accounts #

In the Accounts tab, you have complete control over your account in your workspace. Depending on your permissions, you can change other user’s name, see when user joined, see and deactivate their API key, remove them from your workspace, send forgotten password to them, log in as your user, or stop timer for another person.

Admin #

Admin is a user role in Clockify’s access permission system. There are two types of users with admin roles: owner, who created the workspace, and admin. There can be only one owner, but multiple admins in one workspace. Admin can restrict user’s access, manage existing accounts and monitor productivity.

Alerts #

You can set up alerts to help you keep a better track of your project’s estimates and get an email notification if a project completed a certain percentage of estimated time.

API key #

An application programming interface (API) key is a code used to identify and authenticate an application or user. API keys are available through platforms and act as a unique identifier and provide a secret token for authentication purposes.

Approval #

Users can submit their weekly sheets and time off requests to managers for approval. Admins then review and approve these requests for billing and payroll purposes.

Assignee #

Assignee is a team member that has a task assigned to them.

Assignments #

Assignment is a task assigned to a user (Assignee). 

Audit log #

With Audit log, you can record everything that happens in your workspace and then later see who did what and when. This is a paid feature which you can enable by subscribing to Enterprise plan.

Auto tracker #

With Auto tracker, you can see how much time you spend across programs and create timesheets based on your activity. Auto tracker can help you automatically track and check your computer activity for a certain time. It records the activity longer than 60 seconds by default, but this time be customized and adjusted to your needs.

B #

Basic subscription plan #

With the Basic subscription plan, you have access to all free features and also have some additional control over your account. Check out Clockify’s subscription plans for more information.  

Billable amount #

Billable amount is the amount expressed in a certain currency and is billed to clients for the amount of work done by project assignees.

Billable hours #

Billable hours are your tracked hours charged at a certain rate by which a client is billed for the time and effort you invested in working on a project.

Billable rate #

Billable rate is a rate you define in the workspace settings to bill your clients.

Break entry #

Break entry is a break block you can add on kiosk and web app to track your breaks while working on a project.

Bundle seat #

Bundle seats represent a number of active members on Clockify, Pumble and Plaky workspaces purchased with Bundle subscription plan within productivity Suite.

C #

Calendar #

Calendar tab lets you see all your tracked time in a calendar view.

Client #

Client in Clockify is one of four levels of hierarchy by which you can categorize and analyze your time entries. It is based on a business client you can optionally assign to a project when working on it. This way, the projects you’re tracking time for can be grouped according to Clients, allowing you to search through tracked time more easily.

Clockify assignee #

Clockify assignee is a user assigned to a project assignment in Clockify.

Clockify webhooks #

With Clockify webhooks, you can send automated messages or information from Clockify to other apps. 

Cost amount (in reports) #

Amount of money you pay to your team for the work done on a certain project.

Cost rate #

Cost rate is the rate for which the cost amount is set.

Custom field #

You can add additional fields to time entries that can help with tracking time and organizing the project according to your needs and preferences.

Custom reports #

Clockify enables you to customize your reports by creating tables in Excel/Google Sheets. You can simply export the detailed report in CSV or Excel and create any kind of report you want.

Custom subdomain #

Custom subdomain is a customized additional part of your domain name. Subdomains are created to organize and navigate to different sections in the Clockify app.

D #

Dashboard #

Visualizes your tracked time and the project your team is working on.

Detailed report #

Detailed report lets you see, export and edit full details of all time entries.

Date format #

Date format is a DD/MM/YY format used as a timestamp.

Day start #

Marks the start of a new working day and it can be set in the profile settings. You can also get your daily emails sent each day reporting completed daily tasks on a  daily basis.

E #

Enterprise subscription plan #

Enterprise subscription plan affords users full control over their accounts. It includes all available features in all available plans.

Entry #

An entry is a single record of time or expense logged in Clockify. Each entry has start time, end time and duration. Depending on the additional settings, entry can include project or task associated with that time/expense and any additional notes or data (e.g. GPS location, screenshots, custom fields) linked to that specific record. Entries can be created, edited or deleted depending on user’s actions.

Estimate #

Estimate can refer to either time or budget estimate. For a time estimate you can define an overall time estimate for the whole project or each task individually. For a budget estimate, you can define an overall budget for the whole project, or an amount for each task individually. 

Estimated time #

Estimated time is the time estimated to be needed to complete a certain project or a task. Depending on the estimated time, users can also estimate the budget spent on a project.  

Expenses #

Use expenses to record project-related expenses or fixed fees such as day rates, retainers, overtime pay, salaries. Expenses are unit-based (by hour, mileage, days, materials…). Expenses is a paid feature which you can enable by upgrading to Pro or Enterprise plan. 

F #

Favorite time entry #

Favorite time entry helps you easily access your most user time entries by marking them as favorites. It is available to users on Basic or higher subscription plans and for users on trial.

Force timer #

Force timer is a feature with which you can disable manual mode in the workspace settings, so that users can’t add time manually. This is a paid feature which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to Pro or Enterprise plan.

Forecasting #

Forecasting helps you visualize the progress of your project based on tracked time. You can see how you’ve performed on recurring projects each month and make predictions based on scheduled assignments and add estimates or budget to see if the project will go over or under them.
You can enable it by upgrading to Pro or Enterprise subscription plans.

Full member/user #

Full members are user types available in the kiosk. They have a name and an email, can log into Clockify and use apps (web, mobile, desktop), switch tasks and projects, record location and take up a full seat.  

G #

Group #

Group is used to easily manage assigned people on projects. Instead of adding people to projects one by one, you can create a group and assign it to a project in one click.

H #

Holiday entry #

Holiday entry helps track employees’ holiday. If enabled in the workspace settings, a holiday entry is created once your holiday request has been approved. For more information, check out Track holidays & time off Help Center article.

Hourly rate #

Hourly rate is a billable time entry that is rated by hour. There are several types of hourly rates in Clockify: workspace rate, member rate, project rate, task rate and project member rate.

Historic rate #

Historic rate represents an old rate to which the new one won’t be applied. For instance, if the team member rate changes from 20$ to 40$, then this new rate is applied to new time entries and the existing ones stay the same.

I #

Idle time detection #

Your computer can identify when you’re away and if you’ve accidentally left the timer running. This way, you can remove the idle time and have an accurate timesheet.

Integrations #

Integration connects multiple platforms into one unified system. In our case, it connects Clockify app to a third-party system, so that these two systems can share information with each other. For more information, check out Integrations. By integrating these softwares with Clockify, you can start a timer from within other web tools like: JIRA, Asana, Trello, Todoist… etc. See the full list of integrations here

Invoice #

An invoice is a document given to the buyer by the seller to collect payment. In Clockify, if you enable invoicing feature in the workspace settings, you’ll be able to create invoices in the app.

J #

JIRA integration #

Jira is a software application used for issue tracking and project management. JIRA is one of the integrations with which you can use Clockify to track time. With JIRA integration you can track time on issues directly from Atlassian JIRA. Clockify plugin for Jira is available in the Jira web app, mobile app for Android and iOS and macOS app.

K #

Kiosk #

Kiosk allows employees to clock in and out using a shared device whether it’s a tablet, cell phone, or some other device.

Kiosk assignee #

Kiosk assignee is a user/employee assigned to Kiosk.

L #

Labor cost #

Labor cost is a feature that helps you define cost rate and see what you charge your clients as opposed to what you pay your team and track profitability.

Limited member/user #

Limited member/user is a user type available in the kiosk. Limited users don’t have an email and can only clock in via Kiosk. Limited user has only a name, can only use Kiosk, can clock in and clock out via a shared Kiosk without email. Limited members can be converted to full members.  

M #

Manual estimate #

Manual estimate is the estimate that you set manually for the whole project in the Project Settings tab.

Member rate #

Member rate is a type of hourly rate which is defined on the Team page for each user.

Manager role #

Manager role refers to two types of managers in Clockify: Project manager that can track time and edit every element of their project (e.g. set estimate, add task, manage project access) and Team manager that can view tracked time of their team members and groups, edit their team’s time (if enabled) and approve submitted timesheets.

Markdown #

Markdown is a simple markup language that uses plain text formatting syntax. You’re “formatting” text when you add bold, italics, numbered lists, bullet points, headings, and so on. Markdown is a syntax (or set of rules) that is used to format text on web pages. It is intended to be converted to a structured HTML.

Milestone #

Milestone represents the completion of a certain step in an overall completion of the whole project.

N #

Newsletter #

Newsletter is an email form sent to users on a monthly basis which lists improvements and updates made to the Clockify app. Users can receive these newsletter emails if they subscribe in the Manage email preferences in the Profile settings.

Non-billable hours #

Non-billable hours are the hours users spend not actively working (e.g. emails, calls, preparing invoices… etc.) which, therefore, cannot be billed.

Note #

Note in Clockify is a project note that allows you to add additional information to your project. It can be a summary, instructions, basic guidelines, or any other type of information you find relevant to the project. The text can be formatted in markdown. Project note is visible by everyone, regardless of their user role. However, only admins and project managers can add and modify it.

O #

Organization #

Organization is the largest building block in Clockify. It is a virtual space which can represent an actual company, organization, corporation, establishment, or any other entity relevant to your business logic. The basic element in one organization is a workspace.

P #

PIN code #

PIN code is a 4-digit code that lets you clock in and out via Kiosk. Each Kiosk gets a Universal PIN that lets employees clock in and out for anyone except admin.

Pomodoro timer #

Pomodoro is a productivity and time management technique available as a Pomodoro timer browser extension for Clockify app. 

Profit (in reports) #

The difference between billable amount and cost rate (can be negative if costs are greater than income).

Pro subscription plan #

Pro plan contains more advanced features for tracking project profitability and team productivity. It includes all features available in Standard plan and additional ones. For more information, check out our help section.

Project #

Project is used to group and categorize time entries that belong to the same type of work.

Project budget #

Project budget is a paid feature that enables you to estimate how much of the budget is needed to complete the project. We can estimate the budget manually or do a task-based estimate.

Project manager #

Project manager is a user role available in Clockify that can create, see and edit new projects and details related to projects. For more info, check out Managers.

Project member rate #

Project member rate is a type of an hourly rate that can be defined in the Project access tab.

Project rate #

Project rate is a type of hourly rate which you define for each project.

Project status #

Project status is the status of your project’s progress that you track for each team.

Prorated price #

Prorated price is the adjusted cost of a product you only use for a part of the usual time, or quantity. It’s like paying the price based on how much you actually used, or didn’t use a product. In case of Clockify, with the prorated subscription prices, when upgrading to a higher subscription plan, you’ll be charged annual/monthly subscription price minus the remaining calculation from your current billing plan.


Paid time off including vacations, holidays and other types of leave for which you can track accrual and balances. This is a paid feature which you can enable by upgrading your subscription to Standard, Pro or Enterprise plan.

Q #

QuickBooks integration #

QuickBooks is an accounting software that allows you to keep track of financial functions such as income, expenses, inventory and an overall financial health of the company. You can connect Clockify to Quickbooks Online account to send time entries. QuickBooks is one of the integrations you can use Clockify with to track time. This is a paid feature which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to Standard, Pro or Enterprise plan.  

R #

Receipt #

You get receipts for project-related expenses.

Regular user #

Regular user is an app user that can track time in the app. They have permissions to add, delete and modify their own time. 

Reminders #

Reminders is a Clockify feature that reminds of your timer usage. You can set working days, working hours and after how much time you’d like to be reminded. You can also set reminders to send you daily and weekly team reminder notifications.

Report #

Report summarizes time entries according to the date ranges and filters that suit the user’s needs.

Required fields #

Prevent users from adding incomplete time entries with required fields. This way, all time entries will have a mandatory minimum amount of information assigned to them.

S #

Scheduled report #

Custom reports of time entries you can receive by email each day, week or month.

Scheduling #

Scheduling lets users plan their work in advance by seeing the user’s schedule, availability and when the project starts and ends. This is a paid feature, which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to Pro or Enterprise plan. 

Screenshots #

Screenshots is a feature available with Pro and Enterprise plans. With this feature, screenshots are captured randomly every 5 minutes while the timer is running. 

Shared report #

Shared report is a report in form of a private link sent to other team members so that they have access to data available in a report in real time, regardless of having a Clockify account.


Single sign-on is an authentication and authorization process that allows the user to access multiple applications automatically and with a single set of login credentials. This is a paid feature available on Enterprise plan. Before you can configure and start using SSO for authorization, you need to move the Clockify app to a custom subdomain. Clockify supports major SSO providers: SAML2 and OAuth2. 

Standard subscription plan #

Allows users to have more control over their accounts and manage users more easily. For more information, check out Standard subscription plan

Stripe #

Stripe is a secure payment processing platform that enables businesses to accept online payments. It provides tools for simplifying financial transactions, including payment processing, invoicing and subscription billing.

Subdomain #

Subdomain is an additional part of the main domain name. It comes before the domain name in the URL.

For example, in

https:// – protocol
help – subdomain
article – domain name  org – top-level domain

Clockify enables you to create a custom subdomain for your workspace.

Summary report #

Summary report takes all time entries in user’s account and groups them by project, client, user, group, tag or date.

T #

Tag #

Use Tags as key words to help you filter out the information you need and organize things on the project you’re working on. Tags work independently for each project and you can use them to add some additional information you may need.

Task #

Tasks are used to categorize time usage in projects.

Task filter #

You can filter out Projects by tasks if you’re using a lot of tasks. This filter is user specific and can be activated in the User’s profile settings.

Task-based estimate #

With this type of estimate you set the project estimate automatically in the project’s task tab. This way the whole project will be a sum of all individual task estimates.

Task rate #

A type of an hourly rate based on the task you do. It can be different from the regular task rate based on the task that you do.

Team #

Team is a group of team members that work together on a project.

Team manager #

Team manager is a team member you work on a project with. Team manager can see user’s time in Reports, approve user’s timesheets and see user’s Reports tab (*if hidden from regular users). For more info, check out Managers.

Team member #

Member of a team of employees that work on the same project.

Time audit #

Time audit is the process of tracking exactly what you spend time on for a specific period of time. This way, time audit can help you and your team find and fix faulty time entries. Audits can be conducted by both admins (can find and fix time entries for all users on workspace level)  and regular users (can find and fix their own time entries). This is a paid feature available by upgrading workspace to any of the paid plans.

Time clock #

Time clock is a feature available in Kiosk. With time clock, employees can track their attendance even if they don’t have access to Kiosk on their computer or phone.

Time entry #

Time entry is a time block you add when working on a project to track time. It can be also known as calendar entry, or block.

Time format #

Time can be entered in several ways. In Clockify, time is entered in the following format: HH:MM:SS.

Time off #

Time off is any type of leave including holidays, business trips, vacations and any other type of leave for which you can track accrual and balances.

Time off entry #

Time off entry helps track employees’ time off. If enabled in the workspace settings, time off entry is created once your time off request has been approved.
For more information, check out Track holidays & time off.

Time off policy #

Before requesting any time off, a time off feature needs to be enabled in the workspace settings and a time off policy defined. In time off policy you define the elements needed to define a policy: assignee, time unit, approval, accrual, negative balance, number of days/half days.

Time off request #

Time off request is a type of request created by the user that includes any type of leave: holiday, business trip, vacation or anything else for which Clockify can track accrual and balances. 

Time rounding #

Time rounding is related to rounding time entries up or down to the rounding hours or minutes. This way, time entry reports look neat and without any confusing details. This is a paid feature that you can enable by upgrading your subscription to Standard, Pro or Enterprise plan.  

Timer #

Timer helps you track time you spend working on tasks. Timer can be used in web app, desktop app, mobile app and browser extensions.

Timesheet #

Timesheet is a tab in Clockify in which you can add and review time using a timesheet view.

Time tracker #

Time tracker is an online tool used to keep records of hours you spend working. It helps measure employees’ working time and gives an insight into how much time was spent on different tasks, projects, and clients. In Clockify, time tracker is a tab where you can see your and your workspace members’ time entries.

Time tracking target #

Time tracking target can be set up for your team to automatically remind them to log their hours via email if they did not fill out a minimum number of daily/weekly hours, or if they logged more time than needed. Managers and admins can receive an email on a daily basis of all the people who forgot to track time, or if they tracked more than their target.

Time zone #

Time zone in Clockify is the time zone that the user’s in. It reflects the way the application is used (it can reflect time tracking) and it can be set manually. 

Tracked time #

Tracked time is the time that user spends working on a project that they entered in a time tracker. 

Transfer ownership #

By transferring ownership, you can make someone else the owner of the workspace. To transfer ownership, click the three dots next to the name of the person you want to transfer the ownership to and confirm the action.

Trello #

Trello is one of the integrations you can use with Clockify to track time. You can track time on cards from Trello and also run time reports in Clockify.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) #

2FA is short for two-factor authentication to improve security. In the workspace settings, you can require 2FA to access your workspace. 

U #

User field #

User field allows you to add some additional information about your team members such as job title, start date, position, department, employee ID, phone number…). You can export user fields in the same way as time entries. This is a paid feature available to Pro and Enterprise users.

User group #

With user groups you can easily manage people on projects. Instead of adding people to projects one by one, you can create a group and assign it to a project.

User seat #

User seats represent a number of active users you have in your workspace. When subscribing to a paid plan, you must buy a seat for each active user. You have the option to purchase more active seats if you plan to invite more users later on. For more information on user seats, check out Clockify Help.

V #

Verifying email #

This step is one of the steps you need to complete when signing up to the Clockify account. Once you sign up and create an account in Clockify, you’ll get this verification email requiring you to verify your address. The email expires after 60 days. For more information, you can check out Start using Clockify.

W #

Weekly report #

Weekly report shows you a weekly breakdown of your time in a timesheet view. It is a summary of all time for each day in a week and a total time.

Week start #

Week start defines the beginning of the week for Clockify users that track their time. If a user receives a weekly report, it will be emailed to them at the start of each week, summarizing all the time tracked during the previous week.
By default, this setting is configured at the Workspace level by the Owner or Admin. However, individual users can have their Week start adjusted if the Owner or Admin updates their settings on the Team page > Profile settings.

Workspace #

Workspace is a virtual space that represents a collection of people and projects in Clockify.

Workspace cost rate #

Workspace cost rate is the amount of money you pay to your team defined on a workspace level. It is always applied whether the entry is billable or not.

Workspace rate #

Workspace rate is a type of hourly rate that is defined in the workspace settings. It is applied to all billable time rates, unless overridden by a more specific billable rate. 

X #

No items.

Y #

No items.

Z #

No items.


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