Approve time off
When a member requests time off, the person responsible for that policy will get an email (either their team manager, or a specific person for the whole policy).
Time off is a paid feature, which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to Standard, Pro, or Enterprise plan.
Time off requests can be approved by the Owner/Admin, or by a Team Manager for their team members.
Requests tab #
Time off requests can be approved on the Time off under the Requests tab where you’ll find a list of all requests awaiting your approval.
Filter all requests by status (pending, approved, rejected), and by a specific team member (according to date).
Reject a request and write a note, and the person who made the request will receive an email notification.
You can also reject previously approved requests in case there was an error.
You can click on the note icon to see submission and reject notes, and hover over the status label to see who approved the request and when.
If a person doesn’t have enough days/hours, and the policy doesn’t allow negative balance, the request’s total will be red and the request can’t be approved.
View team members’ leaves #
You can see all team members who have scheduled leaves in the Timeline tab, so you can plan and synchronize leaves better.
You can see leaves for the next 30 days, or choose a custom time range.
Only people who have time off in that period will show up on the timeline as blocks:
- Green (default) – approved time off request
- Orange (default) – pending request that’s waiting approval
- Gray (default) – holiday
Although these are the default colors for policy and holiday, you can change them when creating a new policy or holiday, or when editing the existing ones. This way, instead of the default green, you can have a color defined in policy as a color of approved time off request, lighter shade of policy color for pending request and color defined in holiday as the color indicating holiday.
Who can see what:
- Admins can see time off for everyone
- Team managers can see time off for their team members
- Regular users can see their own, plus time off for their team (e.g. their team manager’s users). If you enable Regular users can see time off outside their teams in workspace settings, they’ll be able to see everyone’s time off.