Upcoming Features


CAKE.com integration
Deeper integration with Plaky and Pumble for project management and communication.
Import users
Import users along with their information and access.
Multiple approvals
Allow timesheets to be approved by multiple people.
Receive time off in lieu based on overtime hours.
Manage API keys
Have more control over who and how can access your Clockify's account via API.
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In Progress

Custom time off range
Customize start/end time for time off balance adjustments.
Recurring invoices
Automate invoice creation process.
Automatic reminders
Set up automatic reminders for submitting and approving timesheets.
Team page customization
Customize team view and quickly edit crucial team information.
Invoice taxes customization
Apply simple or compound tax mode on each invoice individually.
Update access when adding time
Auto-update access to projects/tasks when adding time for someone.

Recently Finished

Custom color picker
Quickly apply your custom colors to new projects.
Item-based taxes
Control which items are taxed in an invoice.
CAKE.com Account
Use Clockify, Plaky, and Pumble with a single account.
Undo delete
Bring back time entry or expense if you accidentally delete them.
Predict costs
See projected billable amounts and costs based on scheduled assignments.
User assignments
Allow users to adjust their schedule and create assignments for themselves.
Budget forecasting
Get forecast for projects that have monetary budget.
Auto tracker grouping
See the breakdown by app and filter recorded entries by keyword.
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