Create & manage invoices
Create invoices for clients based on tracked time and mark entries as invoiced, so you don’t double bill clients.
Invoicing is a paid feature, which you can use if you upgrade your workspace to Standard, Pro, or Enterprise plan.
Invoicing needs to be enabled in the Workspace settings.
Create invoices #
To create invoices:
- Go to the Invoices page
- Click Create invoice
- Choose client
- Change currency, invoice number, and issue/due dates (if needed)
- Click Create

After you’ve done that, you can also make some additional changes like:
- Manually add items to the invoice
- Import your tracked time and expenses
- Download the invoice

There are also some actions you can do such as to duplicate the existing invoice and quickly create a new one.
- Choose the invoice you’d like to duplicate
- Click on the three dots menu
- Choose the Duplicate option from the dropdown

This newly-created invoice contains the same information as the original one. This information can be changed and edited according to your needs. Any imported time entries won’t carry over their dependency.
Bill from, name, address and logo are taken from your Workspace settings, and Bill to address is taken from the client.
To edit client address:
- Go to the Clients page
- Choose client
- Click the edit icon and edit their address
Expand your contact list in the settings on the Invoices page. Once you add more contacts, they’ll appear in the Bill from the dropdown on any invoice.
Admins can access the Invoices page. You can allow specific members to also see and manage in workspace settings under the Who can manage invoices section.
Edit invoice #
To edit an invoice:
- Go to the invoice you’d like to edit
- Choose an action from the Actions dropdown in the upper right corner
- Choose one of the following actions:
- See all your invoices
- Filter invoices by status
- Mark invoices as Sent, Paid, Void
- Edit, delete, change status of an invoice
- Download expenses

Record payment #
Record payment option saves the invoice payment.
To record invoice payment:
- Choose the Record payment option
- Record payment screen appears
- Date: Enter today’s date
- Amount: Enter unpaid invoice amount you’d like to mark as Paid
- Optionally change Date, Amount or add a Note
Click Save to complete the action.
As a result, invoice is marked as:
- Paid (you entered full amount)
- Partially paid: (you entered amount smaller than invoice amount)
Amount is displayed in currency assigned to the client.
Payments window #
When an invoice is marked as Paid, you’ll see the Payments option in the three-dot menu. This will open a list of all recorded payments for that invoice.

The Payments window includes the following details:
- Date: The payment date
- Author: The person who made the payment
- Amount: The total amount paid
- Note: An optional field where you can add a note
Invoice status #
- Invoice with Partially paid, Fully paid and Void status cannot be edited; In order to be edited, paid invoices need to be marked as either Unsent or Sent
- If invoice status is Partially paid, you can see all previously invoiced payments
- If record payment amount is negative number or zero, invoice can be immediately marked as Paid
- If due date for sent invoice passes, invoice gets an Overdue status
- If status is changed to Unsent, all previously processed payments are deleted
All other invoices need to be processed through the Record payment option.
Manually configure invoices #
Clockify allows you to manually mark time entries and expenses as invoiced/uninvoiced. This way you have complete control over the invoicing workflow, accurate time and expense tracking without duplicated invoices errors.
To manually mark time as invoiced:
- Go to the Detailed report
- Choose all time entries you need via Bulk edit
- Click on Mark as invoiced (next to Bulk edit in table header)

Invoiced time entries have a green Invoiced tag next to them in the Detailed report.
When you hover over the Invoiced tag, you’ll see the client and the invoice ID under which the time entry was invoiced (unless it was manually marked as invoiced).
By default, each new invoiceID is automatically assigned a unique number in sequence, such as invoice1, invoice2, invoice3, and so on, thanks to the auto-increment feature.
To mark time as uninvoiced:
- Choose only invoiced time entries
- Click Mark as uninvoiced

Conversion from clock to decimal format #
Total amount between reports and invoices may slightly differ.
Invoices round time on two decimals, while reports take more decimals into account.
For example:
You have a time entry whose duration is 20min, or 0.3333333h when converted to decimal format. When a report multiplies it with hourly rate of $100, the result in the report is $33.33. But when that entry is imported into an invoice, the invoice imports time rounded to two decimals (0.33h), which when multiplied with $100 equals $33.00.
Grouping option may also result in different total amounts.
For example:
You have three entries on some project, each 20min. If you import time one by one with the Group hours: Detailed option, the invoice will make three line items of 0.33 and total amount will be $99.00 (3 x 0.33h x $100). But if you choose Group hours: Project option, they will be summed up and rounded using more decimals (like in the reports), resulting in $100.00 invoice.
To avoid discrepancy due to the decimal rounding, round time up, down, or to nearest number 6/12/15/30 minutes (i.e. any number divisible by six).
Taxes #
Tax fields in an invoice form shows the amount of tax added to the total price of a product or a service. Tax can either be a general amount added to the total, or broken down by the item, depending on the tax system used. Clockify uses item-based tax system.
Item-based taxes #
Item-based taxes are used to apply taxes individually to each item on an invoice. This way you can have a better control over your taxes, making sure that taxes are applied only to relevant items.
This feature is available to users on Standard and higher subscription plans and on Free trial.
In order to use it, the Invoicing feature needs to be enabled in the Workspace settings:
- Navigate to the workspace name at the top left corner of the page
- Open the three-dot menu and choose Workspace settings
- Navigate to the Invoicing section in the General settings and toggle the switch to enable it
User permissions for this feature depend on the settings in the Permissions tab, in the Workspace settings.
How item-based taxes work #
When you create a new invoice, you will see two columns after the AMOUNT column:
- TAX (if only one tax is enabled)
- TAX 2 (if a second tax is enabled in the settings)
Each item on the invoice has checkboxes next to the TAX and TAX 2 columns. By default, these checkboxes are checked (blue with a white tick), indicating that the taxes are applied. Unchecking them means that taxes will not be applied to that particular item.
Taxes are calculated in the following way:
- TAX: This is calculated based on the percentage defined in the Invoice Settings
- TAX 2: If enabled, this is also calculated as a percentage of the item amount
Additionally to that, taxation mode can be:
- Simple: Both taxes are applied to the total amount of the item
- E.g.: For an item priced at $100, with Tax 1 at 10% and Tax 2 at 10%, the calculated taxes will be $10 for each, making the total $120.
- Compound: The second tax is applied on the taxed amount, not the item amount.
- E.g.: For an item priced at $100, with Tax 1 at 10% and Tax 2 at 10%, Tax 1 is $10, and Tax 2 is calculated on the taxed amount, resulting in $11 for Tax 2, making the total $121.
The checkboxes for TAX and TAX 2 are remembered for each item on the invoice, meaning that the selected state is retained until the invoice is manually edited or changes are made to the tax settings. If you change the tax percentage during invoice creation, the totals will update automatically to reflect the new tax rates.
If you switch from Simple to Compound or vice versa, all Unsent invoices will automatically update to match the new taxation settings.
For example:
- Simple to Compound mode: The Apply tax checkbox will appear next to each item
- Compound to simple mode: The Tax 1 and Tax 2 checkboxes will reappear
Old invoices are not affected by the new taxation mode and will continue to display the original tax calculation, including the previous formulas.
Filter invoices #
You can filter invoices by:
- Status
- Issue date
- Client
- ID
- Bill from contact
- Amount
To filter invoices:
- Go to the Invoices page
- Choose filter criteria at the top of the Invoices page:
- Date range
- Click Apply filter
- Client
- Status
- Amount
- Balance
- Invoice ID

All invoices will be filtered out according to the selected criteria.
Sort by time entry or expense details #
When you create a new invoice or edit the existing one and import time and expenses, you can choose to display them according to the details in the Detailed view.
To do that:
- Choose the invoice on the Invoices page
- Click on Import time and expenses at the bottom of the page
- Choose Detailed in Display time dropdown
In Show in invoice label choose the tag by checking the box and rearrange them by drag & drop. The checkbox you chose will appear in the Item’s description.
Same behavior is applied for Expense details and Time entry details.
Additional invoice settings #
You can get invoices in another language or name things differently (e.g. change label from Tax to VAT):
- Go to the Invoices page
- Click on the cog icon (settings) next to the Create invoice button
- In the Defaults tab, edit the content you’d like to be displayed in each label
After the changes you’ve made, each PDF you generate will display the new labels.
When you create a new invoice, it can inherit some predefined subject, note, issue date, and tax.
To set defaults:
- Go to Invoices page
- Click on the cog icon (Settings) on the Invoices pages
- Make the necessary changes in the Defaults tab
Customize invoices exported in PDF from the Appearance tab in the Invoice Settings. Here, you have the option to hide Quantity and Unit Price columns, as well as toggle text direction from left-to-right or right-to-left.
Enable detailed invoicing by including TAX and TAX2 columns in your PDF exports simply by checking the provided boxes.
Existing invoices #
When the user clicks on the Invoices tab and enters any of the invoices, after the Amount column, there should be two columns. TAX and TAX 2 depending on whether you applied one or two taxes on your invoices.
Paid and partially paid invoices cannot be edited and the checkboxes are disabled, as well.
Download invoices in PDF #
You can choose which columns should be visible in the downloaded PDF file. You can customize the PDF in the Invoice settings > Appearance tab and choose if you’d like to include TAX and TAX 2.
Depending on which items you checked, those columns will be displayed in the PDF file.
TAX and TAX 2 are system names which can be changed for the download file in the Invoices, Translation tab, where TAX and TAX 2 are input fields.
Set up translations #
With translations, you can customize labels on your invoices, from item types to total amounts due.
Translations will appear on the PDF and printed versions of all your invoices.
- Click on the cog icon (Settings) next to the Create invoice button on the Invoices page
- Choose the Translations tab
- Locate the field labeled Item type and enter your translation
- Repeat step 3 for each relevant field
- Save your translations
If you delete a value in the label field, that label won’t appear in the PDF version of the invoice.