Florida Labor Laws Guide

Ultimate Florida labor laws guide: minimum wage, overtime, break, leave, hiring, termination, and miscellaneous labor laws.

Florida Labor Laws FAQ
Florida minimum wage $12.00
Florida overtime 1.5 times the regular wage for any time worked over 40 hours/week
($18 for minimum wage workers)
Florida breaks Breaks not required by law
Florida Labor Laws Guide

Table of contents

Florida wage laws

Unlike certain states, Florida has state laws regarding employees' wages.

The following are the regulations concerning the state minimum, tipped hourly wage, and the youth minimum wage in Florida.

Regular minimum wage Tipped minimum wage Subminimum wage
$12.00 $8.98 $4.25

What is the minimum wage in Florida in 2024?

As of September 30, 2023, all employees in Florida are entitled to the state minimum wage of $12 per hour.

However, the minimum wage in Florida will increase to $13 per hour on September 30, 2024 and is set to increase by $1 until it reaches $15 per hour by September 30, 2026.

Exceptions to the minimum wage in Florida

Certain employees are exempt from the minimum wage regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Such exemptions from the minimum wage (together with certain requirements) include:

What is the tipped minimum wage in Florida in 2024?

Tipped employees are employees who earn more than $30 per month from tips during their regular work. 

Under Florida law, tipped employees are entitled to the state minimum cash wage of $8.98 per hour — given that the tipped employee's hourly earnings (with tips) equal or exceed the state minimum wage of $12.

Furthermore, the FLSA imposes that an employer must pay the difference if an employee's earnings do not equal the state minimum wage of $12 per hour.

To conclude, employers are allowed to take a tip credit from employees of no more than $3.02 per hour.

What is the youth minimum wage in Florida in 2024?

Under federal law, employers are allowed to pay employees under 20 a minimum wage of $4.25 per hour for the first 90 calendar days after employment.

However, full-time students who work in retail, agriculture, or colleges and universities are entitled to 85% of the minimum wage.

The employer must obtain a certificate to employ a full-time student. Also, full-time students can work up to 20 hours a week (8 hours a day) during school time and 40 hours per week when school is not in session.

Florida payment laws

Florida labor laws have no regulations regarding how often employers must pay wages to their employees.

Still, here are the most common pay frequency schemes in the USA:

Monthly — Employees are paid once a month (12 paychecks per year).

Florida overtime laws

The state of Florida does not have any state laws regulating overtime work.

Thus, employers must pay all non-exempt employees a federal overtime rate of time and a half (1.5) times the regular hourly pay for any hours exceeding 40 per week.

The FLSA does not require overtime pay for work on the weekends, holidays, or any other regular days of rest.

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Overtime exceptions and exemptions in Florida

Certain occupations are exempt from both minimum wage and overtime pay rules in Florida, and they include:

The exemptions do not apply to “blue-collar” workers, police officers, firefighters, paramedics, rescue workers, and similar employees.

Fluctuating Workweek Method (FWW) in Florida

The Fluctuating Workweek Method, also known as the “Chinese overtime,” entitles salaried employees to an overtime premium of one-half (0.5) times their regular hourly rate.

So, if employees have a fixed salary and their workweek is “fluctuating” — sometimes they work 40 hours a week, sometimes more or less — they are entitled to this overtime rate.

For instance, employees who work 40 hours or less per week receive their regular weekly pay. But if they work for one week, let us say 45 hours — they are entitled to an additional 0.5 times their regular rate for those extra 5 hours of overtime.

Take a look at an example:

Let us say an employee's weekly income is $900, and the employee worked 45 hours the preceding week.

To calculate overtime hours, calculate the hourly rate first.

Start by dividing the weekly salary ($900) by the number of hours worked that week (45):

$900 / 45 = $20 per hour

Next, multiply the hourly rate by 0.5 for every overtime hour during a week to determine the half-time rate:

$20 per hour x 0.5 = $10 for each overtime hour worked

Total overtime compensation goes as follows:

$10 x 5 overtime hours = $50

This means that the employee will get 50$ for 5 additional overtime hours worked.

Fluctuating Workweek Calculator Fluctuating Workweek Calculator

Florida break laws

What is the legal break for an 8-hour shift in Florida?

Florida work laws have no regulations specifying adult employee meal breaks.

Therefore, under federal law, employers in Florida are not required to offer rest breaks to their employees during the workday.

Exceptions to break laws in Florida

Although breaks are not required, employers are encouraged to offer them to promote a healthy workplace culture. Therefore, an employer may offer their employees the following types of breaks:

  1. Short breaks — rest periods of 5 to 20 minutes (considered compensable), and
  2. Long breaks — also known as bona fide meal periods, which last at least 30 minutes, are not considered work hours (not compensable).

For employees who eat during work — hotline workers, for instance — such time is considered compensable.

Florida breastfeeding laws

Under Florida law, a mother has the right to breastfeed her baby in any location — whether public or private.

However, Florida has no state laws supporting breastfeeding in the workplace. In that situation, FLSA proposes that breastfeeding employees are entitled to a reasonable break time and a separate room (other than an office bathroom) to express breast milk at work. These rules apply for up to one year after their child’s birth.

In addition, nursing mothers in Florida are exempt from public indecency laws.

Florida leave requirements

Florida offers the following types of leave:

Florida required leave

Florida non-required leave

Holiday leave (public employers) — all Florida state branches and agencies do not work during state and religious holidays and are entitled to paid days off.

If any of the said holidays fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday will be a day off. If a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday will be a day off.

Holiday leave (private employers) — unlike public employers, private employers in Florida are not required to give their employees holiday leave — paid or unpaid.

In addition, employers do not need to pay any premium wage rates if employees work during holidays.

Parental and family medical leave — the state of Florida offices offer their employees:

  • Family medical leave, and
  • Parental leave.

State employers are required to grant employees up to 6 months of unpaid leave. The employee must obtain a written statement from a physician for such leave to commence.

An employer cannot terminate the employment contract of any employee because of pregnancy or refuse to grant family medical leave.

Employees are also guaranteed up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period, according to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Vacation leave — employers in the U.S. are not required to pay for time not worked, whether that is vacation leave, sick leave, or similar.

Jury duty — employers in Florida must grant their employees time off if they are called up to serve on a jury.

However, full-time employees are not entitled to compensation for the first 3 days of juror service.

In contrast, jurors who are not full-time employees receive $15 a day for the first 3 days of juror service.

Finally, each juror who serves more than 3 days gets paid for the fourth day of service and each day thereafter — $30 per day of service.

Sick leave — under federal law, employers do not need to provide employees with sick leave benefits — paid or unpaid.

Nonetheless, even though no federal or Florida laws guarantee this type of leave, many employers choose to grant sick leave to their employees.

Military leave — All Florida employees are entitled to military leave without loss of pay, vacation, or sick leave.

Leave of paid absence may not exceed 240 working hours during one year.

Voting leave — the state of Florida does not require employers to give their employees time off to vote, whether paid or unpaid. 

Yet, it is considered a third-degree felony for those who discharge or threaten to discharge an employee who wants to vote or not vote in any election.

Emergency response leave — Employees of a state agency may be granted a paid leave of up to 120 working hours in a 12-month period to serve as volunteers.

Bereavement leave — under federal and Florida law, employers are not required to provide employees with bereavement leave.

Child labor laws in Florida

The regulations regarding child labor in Florida ensure that minors work in an environment that does not pose any physical, emotional, or moral danger to them.

Unlike other states — such as Alabama — Florida does not require minors to obtain work permits or working papers from schools or government agencies to be able to work. However, employers must keep a record of proof of the child’s age issued by the district school.

Moreover, Florida child labor laws regulate things like working hours, breaks, and similar stuff regarding child labor.

Work time restrictions for Florida minors

The state of Florida uses both state laws and the FLSA when it comes to regulating the working hours of minors.

These are the work time restrictions for minors aged 14 and 15 when public schools are in session:

The following are work time restrictions for minors aged 14 and 15 when public schools are NOT in session (June 1 through Labor Day):

Next are work time restrictions for minors aged 16 and 17 when public or private schools are in session:

Finally, here are the work time restrictions for minors aged 16 and 17 when public or private schools are NOT in session:

Exemptions from time restrictions for Florida minors

The following are situations when minors are exempt from the said hour limitations:

Breaks for Florida minors

Minors who work more than 4 hours continuously are entitled to a 30-minute meal break whether the school is in session or not.

Prohibited occupations for Florida minors

Together with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Florida Child Labor Law, and the Florida Rule, certain professions qualify as harmful to the health and safety of minors under 18 years of age.

The hazardous occupations for minors are grouped into 2 categories:

Occupations prohibited for all minors Occupations prohibited for minors aged 14 and 15
  • Working around explosives or radioactive substances,
  • Handling motor vehicles, 
  • Working with logs or sawmills, 
  • Handling power-driven meat processing machines,
  • Working on scaffoldings, roofs, or ladders above 6 feet,
  • Wrecking, demolition, or excavation,
  • Mining employment,
  • Handling power-driven bakery and shearing machinery,
  • Constructing brick and tile products,
  • Handling circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears,
  • Employment near compressed gases above 40 p.s.i.,
  • Employment around toxic substances, corrosives, or pesticides,
  • Working as a firefighter,
  • Employment that includes working with electrical apparatus or wiring, and
  • Handling tractors over 20 PTO horsepower, forklifts, earthmoving equipment, harvesting equipment, plowing and planting machinery, or moving machinery.
  • Handling power-driven machinery other than office machines,
  • Maintaining or fixing an institution, machines, or equipment,
  • Working in freezers or meat coolers,
  • Taking care of power-driven meat or vegetable slicers, grinders, food choppers, cutters, and bakery-type mixers,
  • Handling motor vehicles,
  • Occupations where goods are manufactured, mined, or processed,
  • Cooking (with some exceptions) and baking,
  • Employment in occupations in transportation, warehousing, communications, and construction, 
  • Loading and unloading trucks, 
  • Working as a public messenger,
  • Managing dangerous animals, 
  • Performing door-to-door sales, and
  • Spray painting.

Note: Minors who live on farms and whose parents or guardians manage a ranch or a farm with livestock are exempt from the hazardous occupations regulations, provided they do not work during school hours.

Working near alcoholic beverages

Florida Child Labor Law prohibits minors aged 18 or younger from working in establishments where alcoholic beverages are sold and served on-premises.

However, these regulations do not apply to:

Recordkeeping and posting requirements

Each establishment that employs minors must keep or display Florida Child Labor Law posters in a conspicuous place on the property notifying them of the Child Labor Law, including:

Furthermore, employers must keep waiver authorizations, proof of age documentation (copy of driver's license, birth certificate, passport, or visa), and proof of exemption from minor status during the minor's employment or until the minor turns 19.

Florida Waivers of the Law

The Florida Child Labor Law exempts minors who live in difficult life circumstances from specific regulations and allows them to work. 

They may apply for waivers and receive a working license from the Child Labor Office. However, this does not apply to minors working in the entertainment industry.

Each waiver application is carefully examined and granted on a case-by-case basis.

The Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation

Penalties for employers

All employers must:

If Florida child labor laws are violated, employers can be fined up to $2,500 per offense. Employers can also be fined for violating the FLSA regulations, which can go up to $11,000 per minor.

Moreover, if an injured minor is employed in violation of Florida child labor laws, an employer, not the insurance carrier, must compensate the injured employee. However, the total compensation cannot exceed double the amount payable prescribed by Florida Worker’s Compensation law.

Florida hiring laws

Florida protects job applicants from potential conspiracies to provide equal chances throughout the onboarding process — but also carefully selects future employees.

Consequently, it is considered a misdemeanor of the first degree if 2 or more persons conspire against a job applicant to obtain employment in any firm or corporation. The penalty for such conspiracy is a fine of up to $1,000 or even imprisonment for up to 1 year.

Background screening in Florida

Employers may request background checks to increase the odds of hiring a competent applicant. This is also known as background screening.

Background screenings in Florida can be:

If an employer who conducted the screening finds out that an applicant has committed prohibited offenses — they are allowed by law to reject a candidate.

Employment practices

The state of Florida protects employees and job applicants from discrimination-based behavior during the onboarding process. For that reason, Florida law considers it unlawful to refuse to hire, limit, segregate, or classify someone because of their age, sex, race, national origin, pregnancy, handicap, or marital status.

However, under the same statute, Florida allows “giving preferences” while employing applicants who are members of certain religious associations or educational institutions to perform work connected with said institutions.

Moreover, an employer does not have the right to require an applicant to take an HIV-related test while hiring unless the job in question carries the risk of transmitting the infection while performing work-related activities.

Likewise, if the results of the HIV-related tests turn out to be affirmative — an employer must not discriminate against such applicants while hiring (unless that job carries a significant risk of transmitting the infection).

Florida employers have no legal duty to test their employees or job applicants for drugs or alcohol.

However, an employer may conduct drug testing to ensure the work environment is drug and alcohol-free. The employer must notify the applicant via written form 60 days before the testing. If a candidate refuses to undergo testing, or if they turn out to be positive, an employer may reject that candidate.

Right to work law in Florida

A “right-to-work” state is one in which employees have the freedom to decide whether or not to join a labor union. Under right-to-work law, no one can require an employee to join a labor union to get or keep a job. Florida enacted a right-to-work statute in 1943.

Therefore, under Florida right-to-work law, any labor organization, labor union, employer, corporation, or association in Florida is not allowed to:

However, unlike some other states, public employees do not have the right to strike in Florida.

If any person or labor organization violates any of the provisions stated above, a second-degree misdemeanor conviction will be obtained.

Florida termination laws

Florida is another “at-will” employment state, which means that an employee or employer can terminate the employment contract at any time without providing any specific reason.

However, no employer can discharge an employee based on the employee's age, gender, race, national origin, disability, or marital status. This is known as wrongful termination and an employee can file a lawsuit against the employer in such a case.

Florida final paycheck

There is no state regulation concerning the timing of the final paycheck in Florida. Therefore, the Department of Labor suggests that employers are not required to give former employees their final check immediately after the termination of their employment but on the next scheduled payroll day.

Employees who have not been paid on the next scheduled payday for the last pay period can contact the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division or the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) for further information and assistance.

Health insurance continuation in Florida (COBRA)

Are employers obligated to provide health insurance after the employment termination?

Full-time employees (or their beneficiaries) who have terminated their employment due to job loss (voluntary or involuntary), death, divorce, and similar “qualifying events” are entitled to continue using their health benefits under federal law from 18 to 36 months after. 

This act is known as the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), and it only applies to businesses with more than 20 employees.

Luckily, the Florida Health Insurance Coverage Continuation Act protects employees who work in companies with fewer than 20 employees, and this is also known as the “mini-COBRA” law. Said employees are required to notify their insurer within 30 days, and they can extend their health insurance for another 18 months after the termination of employment.

Terminal payment for accumulated sick leave in Florida

Regarding terminal payment for accumulated sick leave, the regulations favor state employees. All state employees are entitled to terminal incentive pay for accumulated sick leave upon normal or regular retirement.

In the event of death or disability, but only after 10 years of state employment, the employee or employee's beneficiary is also entitled to terminal incentive pay for accumulated sick leave upon termination. The rate of the terminal pay must be equal to the rate of pay received by the employee at the time of retirement, termination, or death.

The statute permits terminal payout for sick leave equal to one-eighth of all unused sick leave credit accumulated before October 1st, 1973, plus one-fourth of all unused sick leave accumulated after October 1, 1973. However, sick leave cannot exceed a maximum of 480 hours.

This statute does not apply to employees found guilty in court or involved in any embezzlement, theft, or similar activities.

Occupational safety in Florida

Florida is another state where private sector employers and workers are under federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) jurisdiction. That being said, each private-sector employer must provide the employees with a hazard-free work environment.

According to OSHA, the hazards are grouped as follows:

The authorities are allowed to enter premises during working hours to ensure all the regulations are followed as stated in the act. Also, if an employee notices any safety violation in the workplace, they may send a written notice to inform the authorities.

Under OSHA, any employer who fails to provide the employees with a safe work environment, as stated in this act, can receive a penalty of up to $70,000 but not less than $5,000 for each violation.

OSHA penalties in Florida

In addition, Florida has in-depth state-level guidelines regarding occupational safety for employees.

With the intent to improve the health and safety of Florida's workforce, the Florida Department of Health offers different educational programs and research that include:

OSHA offices in Florida

Miscellaneous Florida labor laws

Certain labor laws do not belong to any specific group above, so we have placed them in the miscellaneous section.

The most significant such laws in Florida include:

Let us explore each.

Florida whistleblower laws

Florida's Whistleblower Act prevents any state, regional, local, or municipal government entity or independent contractor from any adverse action taken against an employee who reports unlawful behavior inside an institution.

Adverse actions prohibited by this act include dismissing, disciplining, suspending, or demotion of the employee, reduction in benefits, and similar.

Who is protected under the Whistleblower Act?

The act protects the following types of employees:

If an employee suffers from said adverse actions, they may file a complaint within 180 days after the said adverse action to conduct a hearing and receive compensation for any lost benefits, attorney's fees, and similar.

Florida recordkeeping laws

Florida has both federal and state recordkeeping requirements for employers.

These requirements include:

Employers can avoid potential consequences by keeping all these documents.

Frequently asked questions about Florida labor laws

This guide covered the most essential elements of Florida employment laws. Apart from that, we have included an FAQ section to make this guide even more comprehensive. So, let us explore a few common questions.

Can I work 6 hours without a lunch break in Florida?

It depends. If you are over 18, there are no legal requirements for lunch breaks during work hours in Florida. However, if you are a minor under 18, after working for 4 consecutive hours, you are guaranteed a 30-minute break.

Is it illegal to work 7 days a week in Florida?

It depends. There is no legal requirement for the number of consecutive work days for employees over the age of 18. However, when it comes to minors under the age of 18, the maximum number of consecutive work days is 6.

What is the maximum fine for violation of Florida child labor laws?

Violation of Florida child labor laws can lead to penalties of up to $2,500 per offense. Moreover, under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the fines can go up to $11,000 per minor.

How many hours straight can you legally work in Florida?

The state of Florida has nodaily work hours limit, so employees can work as much as they want. However, if an employee works more than 40 hours in a workweek, they are entitled to overtime compensation — unless they are exempt.

Need a simple time clock for employees?

Clockify allows you to track time, attendance, and costs with just a few clicks, for FREE.

Your team can track work time via the web or mobile app personally, or you can set up a time clock kiosk from which employees can clock in and out.

Later, you can approve timesheets and time off, schedule shifts, run time card reports, and export everything for payroll (PDF, Excel, link, or send to QuickBooks).

In addition to time tracking, Clockify gives you several great options for managing your employees.

One such feature is the Time off feature, which allows you to track employee time off and see who is available for work.

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Time off in Clockify

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We hope this Florida labor law guide has been helpful. Please make sure you have paid attention to the links we have provided, as most of them will lead you to the official government websites and other relevant information.

Please note that this guide was written in June 2024, so any changes in the labor laws that were included later than that may not be included in this Florida labor laws guide.

We strongly advise you to consult with the appropriate institutions and/or certified representatives before acting on any legal matters.

Clockify is not responsible for any losses or risks incurred if this guide is used without further guidance from legal or tax advisors.