10 Best Clock-in and Clock-Out Apps in 2024

It’s every manager’s nightmare to come to the office and see a bunch of time attendance sheets that need sorting. Sifting through the incredible amount of paper is exhausting and time-consuming, not to mention that it takes time away from doing actual work.

Luckily, a lot has changed in the last decade and so, and there are many new and improved methods to both track time and manage employee attendance. The magic words are — clock-in and clock-out apps.

In this blog, we delve deep into the world of time clock apps. We’ll explore:

  • The essentials of a clock-in/out process,
  • The compelling reasons to adopt a time clock app, and
  • A curated list of the best clock-in and clock-out apps currently on the market.

Join us as we unpack these tools that promise not only to simplify managerial duties but also to enhance overall productivity and compliance with regulations like FLSA.

10 Best Clock-in and Clock-Out Apps in 2024 cover

1. Clockify — best clock-in and clock-out app overall

Clockify dashboard

Clockify is a free time clock app used by businesses of all sizes all across the globe.

Biggest Clockify proBiggest Clockify con
Free and intuitiveLack of advanced features on the free plan, such as invoicing

The app itself is designed to support tracking time and improving productivity with the help of many handy features, such as a time clock kiosk

The time clock feature in Clockify helps teams of all sizes conquer piles of paperwork while not giving up on keeping accurate attendance records.

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

Check out this nifty guide to get some useful tips and strategies on how to master time management:

Why use Clockify for clocking in and out?

Apart from allowing me to clock in by using any device I find convenient (mobile phone or tablet), Clockify’s time clock is great for:

  • Tracking employee attendance,
  • Calculating billable hours,
  • Tracking breaks and time off, and more. 

Clockify’s intuitive and simple-to-use interface enables me to quickly set up their time clock kiosk — regardless of whether I’d like to clock in or out from a shared device or I’d wish to record their attendance from a personal device. 

After integrating this new clock-in system into the company’s workflow, administrators can see who’s available but also assign work and export timesheets for payroll. 

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

When you’re a small business owner, managing payroll is usually a teething trouble. But did you know you could eliminate the unnecessary stress of payroll management with a couple of simple tricks? Read more about them here: 

How to clock in and clock out in Clockify?

After you’ve created an account and invited your team members, tracking time becomes just a matter of seconds.

Your team can either access Clockify from their mobile devices or via a web browser and use the timer to clock in. 

Clockify Projects
See clocked-in users and their activity

On top of the timer, Clockify comes with an even more convenient option — a free time clock kiosk that your team can use to clock in and clock out with their personal PIN.

Time clock Kiosk
Use your personal PIN assigned by the workplace admin to clock in to Clockify’s kiosk

The first thing you need to do is name your kiosk, add your team members, and set a PIN they can use to clock in whenever they start working. 

This way, everyone will be able to mark the beginning of their shift either from their own device or a device you’ve placed at the entrance for the onsite workers.

Clockify Members
No email is required for limited users

As soon as an employee clocks in, a green dot will appear next to their name on the kiosk list. 

Kiosk Clockify
Check employee status

A time clock kiosk also allows your employees to announce their break time and clock out as soon as they reach the end of their workday. 

Clockify Break
Easily track your break time and use your pin to end the shift and clock out

As a Clockify user, these options enable you to track employees’ break time, schedule work, plan projects, and assign tasks more accurately — since you have all the necessary data within reach. 

Clockify’s highlight feature

I found the Calendar feature in Clockify very helpful for visualizing my time and blocking out activities. It shows me how my day is structured, allows me to block hours with just one click, and makes it easy to resize time blocks. This functionality really helps me organize my day efficiently and ensures that I allocate enough time for each of my tasks.

Clockify calendar
See and organize how your workday looks like

What’s new in Clockify: As of April 2024, it’s possible to export team data in CSV and Excel format. This makes it simple to integrate the data file with other tools, like CRM, project management, or accounting software, which facilitates many different processes.

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

Clockify is available as a part of a productivity bundle that provides users with efficient software solutions for time tracking, team communication, and project management.

2. Connecteam — the best one-touch clock-in app

Connecteam dashboard

If you’re looking for versatility within your clock-in app, such as a proprietary time kiosk feature — Connecteam could be the way to go.

Biggest Connecteam proBiggest Connecteam con
Precise and specific time trackingLack of integrations with other apps

Aside from its time tracking capabilities, Connecteam can support you with:

  • Performing task management operations,
  • Creating forms and checklists, and
  • Scheduling operations.

Why use Connecteam for clocking in and out?

After testing it, it became pretty clear to me that Connecteam offers one of the most advanced GPS tracking systems available. It was really easy to log in and clock in via one touch (one click). While it’s possible to use this app on tablets and PCs, I found it the simplest to just clock in from my Android phone. The Connecteam’s kiosk feature is also available for iOS users. And the moment you clock in, your administrator will receive a notification about it.

Connecteam Geotracking
Track location of clocked-in users

How to clock in and out in Connecteam?

Luckily for employees, most “main” operations are controlled by workspace admins, which makes clocking in and out extremely easy.

Firstly, your manager will have to create a workspace that can support all the necessary details, such as:

  • Jobs,
  • Tasks,
  • Invitees, and
  • Roles.
Connecteam Homepage
Connecteam’s home page lets you see what everyone’s working on at all times

Then, employees can access the company app via email invite — after downloading the app — and go to the main screen. At the top of the home screen, there’s a quick-action button named ‘Time Clock.’

Within the option, click ‘Start Shift’, and the process is practically complete. The app will let the employees make adjustments to their shift, such as taking breaks or switching assignments, but everything is performed automatically.

Connecteam’s ‘Start shift’ option does everything automatically and tracks the time for you

Connecteam’s highlight feature

The Breadcrumbs Live Tracking feature stood out to me. I found it interesting to see my movements throughout the day. This may not be all that fun for those who spend their workdays at their office desk, but I think it could really make a difference for all the workers on the go.  

What’s new in Connecteam: As of late 2023, Connecteam offers integration with QuickBooks Online. This makes the payroll process exceptionally simple and 100% accurate — one click is all it takes to integrate timesheets from Connecteam to QuickBooks Online software.

3. Buddy Punch — best for organizational and data safety

Buddy Punch dashboard

Are you looking to streamline operations while ensuring Fort Knox security at work? When it comes to added features and functionality, Buddy Punch has got you covered with its versatile software. 

Biggest Buddy Punch proBiggest Buddy Punch con
Face recognition softwareSlightly complicated login process

It’s a solid all-around app that offers absolute security when it comes to clocking in, but most importantly, it offers peace of mind.

Why use Buddy Punch for clocking in and out?

I’ve been genuinely impressed by the easy and secure manner of clocking in with Buddy Punch. Let me walk you through why I think Buddy Punch is a game-changer for any workplace.

First off, tracking projects will become a breeze. Whether you’re on-site or managing teams remotely, Buddy Punch lets you keep tabs on everyone’s progress in real time. It’s super reassuring to see how assignments are wrapping up with such precision.

With features like GPS tracking and geofencing, I can see how security can transform at work. The timesheets are spot-on, thanks to the exact time entries recorded by all employees. There’s no room for error, which is a huge relief when it comes to payroll and managing work hours.

Another cool aspect is the flexibility of using Buddy Punch. It can be set up as a terminal or kiosk, and employees can punch in and out using either their username and password or simply by scanning a QR Code. It’s all about what works best for your setup.

In a nutshell, if your workspace is in a public area or if you’re just extra cautious about security, Buddy Punch is probably the way to go. 

How to clock in and clock out in Buddy Punch?

The design itself is quite similar to other popular time trackers. If you’ve used one of them, you’ll surely work your way around this one as well.

If you mostly work from home, but your job requires an occasional trip to the office, you’ll most likely clock in and out from your personal device — phone, tablet, or computer. The invite is regulated through work email, and you’ll be able to clock in from the home screen.

Once you log in, you’ll be able to review the options for time entries and timesheets on the main screen and go from there.

Buddy Punch Dashboard
Buddy Punch dashboard provides insight into everyone’s schedule

However, if you’re an onsite employee, you’ll need to: 

  • Enter the universal PIN code that all workspace employees are given, 
  • Pass through a couple of security checks to verify that it’s really you, and 
  • Simply click the “Clock in” button on your profile.
Buddy Punch PIN
Enter the 4-digit universal PIN code to clock in

Buddy Punch’s highlight feature

The IP Address Locking is a standout for me. Here’s the deal — managers can set a default IP address for their workspace, and employees can access the system from this IP and use the universal PIN. Anyone outside this IP? No entry. This just amps up company security to another level.

What’s new in Buddy Punch: The last significant feature update from May 2022 introduced different Single Sign On (SSO) options that simplify the login process. These include ​Google SSO, Apple SSO, Okta SSO, and OneLogin SSO.

4. TimeCamp — the best set of integrations

TimeCamp dashboard

TimeCamp is a time clock tool that helps managers remain up-to-date with their team’s performance. 

Biggest TimeCamp proBiggest TimeCamp con
Abundance of integrations with different appsThe reporting feature could provide clearer data visualization

The app allows users to see what exactly their team members are working on, track overtime, create custom reports, and more. 

Why use TimeCamp for clocking in and out?

TimeCamp offers automated clocking in and out, but the real magic is in its time tracker. I noticed that it monitors your computer activity and knows when to switch to idle as soon as you stop working. No more manual updates or forgetting to switch off the tracker when I head out for lunch then. It just handles everything on its own, ensuring that my work hours are logged accurately.

This app is packed with features that make life easier. It’s got GPS tracking, so management knows we’re where we need to be, real-time reports that show how work hours are being spent, and automatic reminders to clock in and out. 

Most of the time though, I don’t need such detailed tracking. The Time Clock Kiosk feature is amazing in that regard. It’s a straightforward setup where I just punch in my individual PIN on a kiosk, and I’m clocked in or out. It’s perfect for team members who are in and out all the time but don’t necessarily need the full suite of tracking tools.

How to clock in and clock out in TimeCamp?

As soon as you’ve created an account and added your team members, they can begin clocking in and out using the timer option from the Timesheet view.

TimeCamp Timesheet
TimeCamp’s features are placed on the left-hand-side, and the time entries will be available the moment you log in

Whenever they’re about to begin their workday, employees can select the task or a project they’re working on and start the timer.

TimeCamp Calendar
TimeCamp calendar view

But in case employees wish to go on a break, they’ll need to stop the timer and start it all over again when their break is over. Another option is to create a new project named ‘Break’ that they can select and start the timer. 

The same goes for clocking out. Employees are supposed to stop the timer when the workday’s over, and the system will automatically create records of the time they clocked out.

To clock in via Kiosk, all the users have to do is enter their PIN and click ‘Done’. If the PIN is correct, they will get a message saying that clocking in has been successful. The same goes for clocking out.

TimeCamp Kiosk PIN
Simple and free attendance kiosk tool that requires a quick PIN entry

TimeCamp’s highlight feature 

I am impressed by the flexibility of the Attendance Tracking feature. Whether it’s a regular working day, a remote work session, a much-needed vacation, or an unfortunate sick leave, logging it is just a tap away. 

Here’s the best part — I simply put my request in the app, and my supervisor gets notified right away. It’s that straightforward. No more back-and-forth emails or waiting for approvals. 

And if I need to add a bit more info I just attach a note to my entry. I find this ideal for remote work when I want to clarify my tasks for the day, or if I’m on sick leave and need to update on my expected return. It helps in keeping everyone in the loop with minimal effort.

What’s new in TimeCamp: As of March 2022, TimeCamp users are able to leave feedback or suggest features via the UserVoice service page. 

5. When I Work — best for shift workers

When I Work

When I Work is a scheduling and time tracking tool that helps managers streamline team schedules and track time efficiently.

Biggest When I Work proBiggest When I Work con
Versatile scheduling and time trackingThe setup process may be confusing, especially with managing recurring shifts

The app enables managers to create and manage shift schedules, communicate with team members, and monitor attendance in real time.

Why use When I Work for clocking in and out?

When I Work offers a flexible approach to clocking in and out through its mobile app, which is ideal for teams on the go. The app tracks time automatically once a shift starts, and it uses geolocation to ensure that everyone is at the designated work location.

When I Work Scheduler dash
Users can see and claim shifts in their schedule

This time management tool also features shift swapping with manager approval, alerts for upcoming shifts, and notifications for clock-in and clock-out events.

The Attendance feature simplifies the process even further, allowing me and my team to clock in with just a few taps on their mobile device. This is particularly useful for industries like retail or hospitality. 

Sectors like these often have unpredictable shifts, and staff might need to swap shifts on occasion. When I Work allows employees to quickly adjust to last-minute changes and ensure everyone is on the same page, which is key in fast-paced environments where every minute counts.

How to clock in and clock out in When I Work?

Once an account is set up and employees are added, they can begin clocking in directly from their mobile devices.

When I Work Clock In
Simply tap on ‘Clock In’ and start your shift

Employees tap on their current shift in the app to start recording their time as soon as their shift begins.

For breaks, employees can pause their time clock within the app and resume it once the break is over. Alternatively, they can log a break manually if they forget to pause the time.

For clocking out, employees simply end their shift in the app, which automatically logs the end time.

When I Work’s highlight feature

It seems to me that When I Work is like having a personal assistant right in your pocket. One of the most helpful features I spotted is definitely the Swap. When something unexpected comes up and I need someone to cover my shift, it can be a whole ordeal — texting colleagues, hoping someone is free, and then waiting for the manager’s approval. This app allows me to put in a swap request, and the app handles the rest, including notifying the manager. 

What’s new in When I Work: As of March 2024, users can make the most out of Basic Time Off Accruals to transfer information from another system and to track time off.

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

Learn how to create an efficient PTO accrual policy and all the amazing ways it can benefit your organization.

6. Time Clock Wizard — best for scheduling

Time Clock Wizard dashboard

With over 300+ million hours tracked, Time Clock Wizard is one of the best apps out there for both shift management and clocking in and out.

Biggest Time Clock Wizard proBiggest Time Clock Wizard con
Daily, weekly, and monthly schedulesLack of seamless integration with Microsoft Excel

Time Clock Wizard is a time clock software that lets you:

  • Get accurate employee attendance insights, 
  • Streamline payroll processes, and 
  • Track time spent on tasks. 

The tool also comes with a handy photo capture feature that helps in establishing a speedy clock-in process.  

Why use Time Clock Wizard for clocking in and out?

Time Clock Wizard helps me streamline the clock-in process by letting my team clock in from their own devices in multiple locations. Even though the app doesn’t have a time kiosk feature, me and my team members can still log in to the dashboard and track time.

If you employ onsite workers, the time clock app allows you to enable location restrictions and establish different clock points, all of which are managed by the administrators.

How to clock in and clock out in Time Clock Wizard?

First, start by inviting your employees to the Time Clock Wizard app. 

After everyone has set up their accounts, you can assign your team members a clock-in location in case they’re working on-site and set up the photo capture feature for identification. Remote workers use a shared workspace from where everyone clocks in, but it’s up to the workplace admin to determine whether the photo capture feature is required.

Time Clock Wizard Dashboard
Clock in directly from the dashboard and customize your entries

As soon as you’ve selected the mandatory options for clocking in, employees can begin using the time clock app. 

Similar to its competitors, Time Clock Wizard allows users to clock in or out via the website or the mobile app. 

Time Clock Wizard Clock Ing
When you’re on the go, you can use your mobile phone to clock in

Whenever they’re about to start their workday, employees should click the ‘Clock in’ option. 

As soon as they’re ready for a break, they’re supposed to click the ‘Start a break’ option button, and ‘Clock out’ at the end of their workday. 

Time Clock Wizard’s highlight feature

One of my favorite features is the Alarm function, making sure I never forget to clock in or log my hours. I have to admit that it’s not uncommon for me to just start working while clocking in completely slips my mind. A gentle nudge from the app reminding me to do it is such a stress reliever.

I can see how it improves focus on what’s important at work without the interruption of constantly checking the clock.

What’s new in Time Clock Wizard: Thanks to Paycheck Wizard integration with TCW in late 2019, the payroll process can be fully automated. The integration also allows users to generate payroll reports.

7. Homebase — best for team communication and team tracking in one

Homebase dashboard

Homebase is one of the rare clock-in and clock-out apps that offers team collaboration and communications features within its workspace platform.

Biggest Homebase proBiggest Homebase con
Team communication and time tracking all in oneThe user interface can be confusing

Some other Homebase features include:

  • Automating employee scheduling, and
  • Time tracking.

The app also lets its users track labor costs based on their timesheets and comes with a proprietary time kiosk feature that makes clocking in and out much easier. 

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

Turning labor into profit is one of the main points of owning and managing a business. If you want to know more, check out the following blog on the topic:

Why use Homebase for clocking in and out?

I find that Homebase offers great transparency as I and my team can see shift schedules and time clocked in real-time. Also, the app automates the work hours calculations, even for more flexible schedules like mine.  

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

A perfect work schedule doesn’t exist. Or does it? Well, you can create a near-perfect one with a little help from the following blog post:

How to clock in and clock out in Homebase?

Before you decide to invite your employees to use Homebase, make sure that you’ve allowed them to clock in/out from their preferred devices — PCs, mobiles, and/or tablets. 

After they finish the registration process, employees will receive unique PIN codes that they’ll need for clocking in. 

Homebase Time Clock Clock In
Enter the unique PIN given to you by the workplace admin to clock in

The same goes for taking a break or clocking out. 

Every time an employee wants to change their availability status, they’ll need to enter their PIN code in the time clock app. 

Homebase’s highlight feature

You never realize the value of something until you experience it. That’s why I was thrilled to see that Homebase allows me to both track time and communicate with my team on the same platform. If I have some issue or forget to clock in on time, I can just send a quick text through the same platform to my admin. No switching between apps or wasting time waiting for responses. 

What’s new in Homebase: The last Homebase update from late 2021 rolled out a completely new design that offers its users to manage and run their business straight from the dashboard. This includes staying on top of shifts, team status, time cards, sales and costs, week events, employee clock-in clock-out, and more.

8. Quickbooks Time — best for managing payroll

Quickbooks Time dashboard

Get valuable insights, control payroll, and track attendance with the all-in-one Quickbooks Time app.

Biggest Quickbooks Time proBiggest Quickbooks Time con
Great for payroll and taxesNo kiosk app on mobile devices (only on tablets and PC)

Even though Quickbooks is primarily an accounting software, it provides all the necessary features for keeping records of employees’ work hours — such as a Quickbooks Time (time clock) kiosk, a payroll app, and more.   

Why use Quickbooks Time for clocking in and out?

Quickbooks Time comes with a time kiosk that completely replaces old-fashioned punch cards. This time clock system can be used on different devices (tablets and PCs), which I find ideal for tailoring it to different business needs. 

Quickbooks Time is also easily integrated with a payroll app. So, as soon as I clock in/out, I can submit my timesheets — and the data will immediately show up in the accounting software.

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

Are you running around in circles in search of the perfect accounting software that’s also free of charge? You can put the search to a stop and catch your breath, because we’ve got you covered: 

How to clock in and clock out in Quickbooks Time?

After you’ve created an account and invited your team, you can begin by installing the Quickbooks Time kiosk. 

You can choose your clock-in kiosk name, select whether you want employees to clock in or out using a photo (not necessary), and add everyone to the kiosk. 

Then, you’re supposed to set up PIN codes for each employee to enable them to use the time clock system. 

Once everything’s set up, employees can clock in to mark the beginning of their shift by using their assigned PIN codes and tapping the ‘Clock in’ option.

Quickbooks Kiosk
Quick and easy Quickbooks Time kiosk clock-in process

Whenever they wish to take a break, employees need to sign in to the kiosk once again and tap the ‘Take a break’ option. 

Clocking out is similar to clocking in — employees should use their PIN code to access the kiosk and click on the ‘Clock out’ option to wrap up the day. 

Quickbooks Time’s highlight feature

Poor internet or complete power outages during work hours almost always come unexpectedly. Unfortunately, this has happened to me many times, which I find to be a real struggle for remote work. But an unstable connection doesn’t have to be an issue with Quickbooks Time as it continues to track time with or without the internet. This means no more panicking about lost hours or having to remember exactly when you clocked in and out after the fact.

What’s new in Quickbooks: As of February 2024, Quickbooks updated its security levels with better data protection, enhanced category management and list searches, and now allows enterprise-only customer prepayment tracking.

9. Deputy — best for managing shift rotations

Deputy dashboard

If your business employs people from around the world, you’ll surely benefit from using the best clock-in app for managing shift rotations, Deputy.

Biggest Deputy proBiggest Deputy con
Available on all app platforms, including a web versionLack of features outside the US

Deputy is a time clock app that comes with a set of time tracking and scheduling features specifically aimed at helping its users achieve maximum efficiency. 

The tool also includes timesheet bulk approval and a speedy report export.

Why use Deputy for clocking in and out?

Coming with a wide array of features that help me boost efficiency and accountability, Deputy offers a time clock kiosk for keeping track of my workdays.  

Since the kiosk app can be used on multiple devices — computers, mobile devices, and tablets — it contributes to speeding up the process of clocking in and out. 

With the Deputy Kiosk or the mobile app, team members can clock in and out, stay updated with the Deputy News feed, manage tasks, and ask for time off. The cool part? The Kiosk app uses facial recognition to confirm who’s clocking in, whereas the mobile app checks in with GPS to make sure we are where we need to be.

How to clock in and clock out in Deputy?

As soon as you’ve finished creating your account, you can either: 

  • Generate a link and send it off to your employees, or 
  • Invite them one by one to join you.

After your team has successfully registered, they can begin clocking in and out in the time clock kiosk either using an on-site device or their own mobile devices. To clock in and out, they’ll have to enter the kiosk PIN code or use facial recognition.

Whenever an employee arrives at a location or their workday’s about to start, they are supposed to click ‘Start shift’, and the app will automatically keep a record of the time stamp. 

Deputy Dashboard
Deputy automatically tracks your time once you ‘Start shift’

This way, the Dashboard will instantly give managers a clear picture of employee attendance, and help them adjust the schedule if necessary.

When the time for a break comes, employees are supposed to repeat the same process as with clocking in — they should tap or click ‘Start break’ and the timer will start off. 

Deputy Break
The same principle applies to taking a break — simply click the button and enjoy your rest

When it comes to clocking out, the employees are supposed to click the ‘End shift’ option, and their managers will be able to see that they’re done for the day. 

Deputy’s highlight feature

I really liked the News Feed feature in Deputy as it lets me chat with my team. I can send a message straight to one person or a whole group, comment on what others have posted, and even share pictures, videos, and PDFs. The concept is super handy for keeping everyone connected!

What’s new in Deputy: As of March 2024, new employees are able to calculate pro-rata leave entitlement based on the hire date, unlike the previous setting which only allowed month-based calculations. 

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

Are you managing a company and looking for a suitable work schedule? Read some of the following blogs to get a better understanding on how everything works and how you can improve your employees’ schedules:

10. Hubstaff — best for large teams

Hubstaff dashboard

If you’re in charge of a large team and you need a powerful clock-in app with handy features, Hubstaff could be the way to go.

Biggest Hubstaff proBiggest Hubstaff con
Extensive list of featuresNo time clock kiosk

A time clock tool that promises a variety of features, Hubstaff helps its users be in control of their time, stay on top of employee attendance, quickly clock in and clock out, and more. 

Why use Hubstaff for clocking in and out?

Similar to its competitors, Hubstaff offers an easy-to-use clock-in system that helps reduce the amount of time my team and I would spend checking in. 

This time clock app also gives me the ability to choose whether I want to: 

  • Automatically clock in or out based on my location, or 
  • Clock in or out on my own terms by starting the timer as soon as my workday begins.

How to clock in and clock out in Hubstaff?

After you’ve registered and sent invites to your team members, your team can start using Hubstaff to clock in and clock out in two ways, by: 

  • Using a timer, or 
  • Simply showing up at a job site, and they’ll automatically clock in. 

Your team members can start the timer and select a task they’re working on as soon as they begin their workday. This way, the timer will automatically start off. When they’re ready to call it a day, employees should simply stop the timer. 

Hubstaff Timer
Choose the project and task before clocking in

In case you’d like to automate the process of clocking in and out, you can set up geofencing in Hubstaff. However, this option is mainly designed for onsite workers, so it might not be the best solution for work-from-home teams.

This way, as soon as an employee arrives at the job site, the timer will automatically set off by recognizing your location, either from your personal device or from an onsite device, such as a tablet. The same goes for their departure — whenever an employee leaves the designated location, the timer will stop running.

Hubstaff’s highlight feature

I appreciate how Hubstaff makes things stress-free with its automatic clock-in feature. If I let the app track my location and the admin sets up a geofence grid, Hubstaff automatically starts recording my time as soon as I step into the designated area. There’s no better way to save time and clock in without worry.

What’s new in Hubstaff: The March 2024 update introduced a more reliable map screen activity status , and an improved OS passive notification display. Also, managers can now add time for others.

What is clocking in and out?

As the name suggests, clocking in and out is the process of documenting one’s time spent at work. That way, employees can start and end their workday with transparent information about it.

In the modern workplace, digital advancements have streamlined this process with time clock applications. Today, robust software solutions offer user-friendly interfaces that make time tracking accessible to every employee, enhancing accuracy and reducing discrepancies.

Also, many entrepreneurs and solo practitioners have found value in tracking work hours as it allows them to analyze and search for patterns that are affecting their productivity.

What industries use clocking in and out

If you’re looking for a solution for time tracking and management, here are a few industries that have major benefits from using a clock-in and clock-out app, as well as a time kiosk:

For these sectors, clock-in and clock-out apps simplify administrative tasks and provide critical data that can help identify work patterns and optimize labor costs. 

What is a clock-in and clock-out app and why do you need one?

A clock-in and clock-out app is an advanced digital solution that streamlines the traditional process of tracking employee attendance. By automating time recording, time clock applications effectively manage and enhance various aspects of workforce operations. The time kiosk feature in these apps is usually available to all employees, allowing them to quickly and easily clock in and clock out without having to deal with outdated punch cards.

In fact, a great clock-in and clock-out app can help you:

  • Reduce errors that are common with manual timekeeping, thus ensuring payroll accuracy,
  • Connect with payroll systems, HR platforms, and other business management tools,
  • Get live data on employee attendance, enabling immediate adjustments to work schedules,
  • Adhere to labor laws by accurately logging hours worked, overtime, and breaks, and
  • Minimize administrative tasks, which allows managers to focus on more strategic initiatives.

With all these options in store, a great time clock app does not only save time and reduce administrative burdens but also provides a robust framework for managing modern, dynamic workforces.

💡 Clockify Pro Tip

We all dread calculation and typing errors. Yes, autocorrect can sometimes help, but not always. Check out our blog to see how to improve when using timesheets:

How did we choose our top 10 clock-in and clock-out apps

You might be wondering how these 10 tools qualified for our app list review. Well, we made our selection based on a variety of factors, such as:

  • Quick implementation process,
  • Ease of use,
  • Additional time management features (scheduling, reporting, time clock kiosk), and
  • Multi-platform availability (desktop, mobile, and web version).

Stick around and enjoy our honest and comprehensive clock-in and clock-out app reviews.

Grow your profit and boost efficiency — with Clockify

Research and anecdotal evidence show that using a clock-in and clock-out app does wonders for any business — small, medium, or large.

To increase profits and learn where your productivity is going, Clockify lets you separate billable hours from unpaid work. For example, emails, marketing, and preparing invoices make up your unpaid work, while everything else should be part of billable hours.

To mark your projects as billable, click the $ dollar sign in Clockify, as shown below. If the dollar sign is blue, it means your project is billable.

Calculating billable hours in Clockify

As a result, you’ll be able to see when time is being wasted and how you can optimize your company’s work for better profits.

A time clock app allows you to easily meet deadlines and spot time wasters in your daily schedule. To make your workflow more efficient.

Tanja  Trkulja

Tanja Trkulja is a productivity author and researcher who loves to explore efficiency without stress in her writing. She preaches the much-needed work-life balance, which is key to consistently high motivation and performance — the key everyone can use to open their own doors to productivity.


Free time tracker

Time tracking software used by millions. Clockify is a time tracker and timesheet app that lets you track work hours across projects.

Clockify time tracker
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