Basic plan features
All FREE features, plus:
Log time on behalf of your team
Add time on other people's behalf right from the report. You can add time either for a single user, or for a whole group at once. Or alternatively, switch to your teammate's timesheet and quickly populate their timesheet for them. This way, you'll no longer have to wait for someone to add the missing time.
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Prevent incomplete time entries
Hide Projects, Team, and Reports from regular users. Prevent people from seeing other people's time entries.
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Make your most important fields required so no one can create entries with missing information (like description, project, task, or a custom field). Once entries are properly categorized, you'll no longer have to spend hours fixing other people's timesheets.
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Update multiple entries, projects, and users
Select all the time entries, users, or projects you wish to update and edit their properties. Perfect for record keeping, like when you need to mark entries as invoiced, move them to a different project, mark projects as private, adding same custom field info to multiple users, etc.
Read moreSee and export time in decimal format
Switch to decimal duration format, and all time will be displayed, entered, and exported in decimals (instead of the clock format).
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Clean up your reports
Find all uncategorized entries or entries that are suspiciously short/long, and fix them. Once everything is properly labeled and cleaned up, you can lock them and share the report with clients.
Read moreAdd logo and remove columns
When exporting reports or projects, choose which columns you don't need in the CSV/Excel, or what you wish to be displayed on the PDF report (data, charts, different report name, company logo, etc.).
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Set up a lot of identical projects
Once you have a project with tasks set up, set it as a template. Then, every time you create a new project, you'll be able to select the template and have all the tasks and settings copied over to the new project. Perfect if you have a lot of similar projects for different clients.
Read moreUpdate all your past hourly rates
When you change an hourly rate, you can choose if the new rate applies to only newly created time entries from now on, if you wish to overwrite previous rate on existing time entries, or if you wish to apply the new rate from a certain date forward.
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Import your old timesheets from a file
Prepare a CSV file in Excel, and then import it. Clockify will analyze the file, create any missing projects and clients, and import all the time entries in it for both you and your team.
Read moreMark entries as favorites
Move entries at the top of the list for easier access by marking them as favorites. Change and edit your favorites list as needed.
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Split one time entry into two
Choose a specific time and separate running or existing time entries into two. Repeat the process to create as many entries as you need.
Read moreClock in with PIN
When clocking in and out via the kiosk, require employees to sign in with their personal 4-digit PIN code. You can also clock in for others using the kiosk's secret Universal PIN code.
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Track break time
Enable breaks so people can take a break while clocked in and track how much time they spend on breaks.
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